Over population-good or bad? by Kumz 2012/12/02 14:40
We all have some idea about the end result of over population. More land need to be cleared(deforestation) in order to make space for new buildings, growing more crops to feed all these people, etc. And then we run out of trees which keeps the greenhouse gases under control, etc. And then we have an over polluted planet, etc, etc, etc.

And THEN we have books asking everyone to have as many children as they can afford!

Tell me your honest opinion... Are we gonna think about our future generations and hand over a healthy mother earth to them, or just keep on having kid after kid, just to get yourself to heaven?

TheMouse 2013/01/01 16:16
Having kids to go to heaven?? Is this some religion crap again? I don't think the problem is 'overpopulation' at this point. We could be 12 billion of these mammals who call themselves 'humans' and it could still work. It's the way we live which is the problem, not that we do live at all. We need to develop intelligent life on this planet to get able to work things out, but, honestly, I doubt that the species homo sapiens will ever be capable of it.
Hareesh 2013/01/02 04:45
gud info but over population so bad bcz humanity is changed
Aamir 2013/01/02 07:46
It depends on ones own capability, those who can afford have no problem in having kids after kids.
detrimentum 2015/06/18 20:01
perhaps i'm wrong, but i believe in involuntary sterilization.
Boet 2015/06/18 22:03
Over population is really a major problem! So many counries go bowed under the pressures of taking care of overworked, underpaid, under nourished people. People who are slaves of their own making. Such countries rely much upon aid from richer countries
Replies: 45

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