What's your favourite movie type ?? by
Doncle 2012/11/27 09:42
What's your favourite movie type ??
1 Action
2 Porn
3 Romance
4 Drama
5 thriller
6 Adventure
7 Horror
8 Series
9 any other type (specify)
SONIC 2013/05/25 17:49
when i was 10 yr old...i like adventure movies...
at 17..i like romantic..
and now i like action packed n romantic movies
Kakaji 2013/05/26 05:28
6 Adventure,
5 thriller,
1 Action.
Robert3 2013/06/01 15:55
action and thriller .,.
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/04 01:05
1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 all (yes) i dnt lyk porn
SE-RYUN 2013/08/14 02:05
thriller n horror
NAASH 2013/08/14 19:36
chilex 2013/08/27 01:54
Action and romance
SAFDAR 2013/10/04 09:50
Smarty 2016/05/19 17:45
I liked your life story the best. One what?
Replies: 38
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