What's your favourite movie type ?? by Doncle 2012/11/27 09:42
What's your favourite movie type ??
1 Action

2 Porn

3 Romance

4 Drama

5 thriller

6 Adventure

7 Horror

8 Series

9 any other type (specify)

Phoebe3 2012/11/27 12:57
Action ,
munna_sk 2013/01/09 06:24
Action & thriller
anitha 2013/01/10 01:08
Action and adventure
Sonu009 2013/01/12 13:50
4 5 6
ArjunPratap 2013/01/12 16:07
Action, thriller, family and comedy
Kingaadi 2013/01/22 14:04
3 Romance

Syadira 2013/02/18 09:40
action n historical
kingplayer 2013/02/19 01:27
1& 7
SAGITTARIUS 2013/02/19 15:20
Almost all type of movies.But favourite are action,love story and thriller.
Robert3 2013/02/19 15:30
action . .,
SONIC 2013/02/21 12:10
action,thriller n adventure.(macho)
Phoebe3 2013/03/07 13:20
action ,thriller .. ,
Venus26 2013/03/08 03:39
keneth 2013/03/14 17:54
breaking dance,action&adventure
SAGITTARIUS 2013/03/19 13:50
Action,thriller,horror and love stories.
GITA_RS 2013/03/21 06:54
little_mermaid 2013/03/25 10:49
thriller and horror
Syadira 2013/05/01 10:56
1,3,8 historical
Phoebe3 2013/05/11 11:14
Action ,thriller, ...
Trax 2013/05/22 16:40
both action nd romance

Replies: 38

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