GREATEST OF LOVE by TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/11/16 21:42 To all that do believe in love. Those that will anything to be loved or love. It's good to love because without love our hearts feel empty. Having a lover in your life makes you feel on top of the world and your heart will be like that of a new born baby: soft and emotional. Love conquers all and defeat all wars without weapons. If there is NO LOVE in you then you live but EXIST no more.
....appreciate the person in your life and don't make them feel rejected.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/11/18 17:24 Greatest of love:
The morning sun is never bright until you wake up. Now i know you are light because there is no more darkness in me ever since i met you. Your name has became a song composed in my heart that as long as my heart beats i remember and think of you. What more can i say if not "I LOVE YOU"
Quote: TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY: somebody like JACKI,JAMELLA,ALEBI and the rest can make you accept guilty when you are innocent and sentence yourself to death because the love is too strong.
awmaygawd! Didn't expect this...anyway, it's so nice and u'r very romantic. Keep it up!
adamjr2012/11/21 02:44 You right about love concords all. Yet the only person who loves up the most and understands love is God and God alone. He's the one and only one that made it all possibile for us. Never forget that God's love is more stronger then any mans love.
December approaches,others are leaving their lovers because of gifts he couldn't afford but you stuck here with e.
You made me believe that if i can't afford it now i'll afford it later.
I gave you only a turtle dove,you knows what it represents so you treasured it with your heart and told me you will never lose it.
As others celebrate in big places and hotels, you are here with me in a room that has only a mate and you lie peacefully encouraging me to be strong.
There is no food for us but you never complained instead you brought your own money to help.
I know it's hard to believe that someone like you can still exist but here you are right beside me.
others are shopping for their lovers but here you are with me hoping we get launch today.
The thing that amazes me most is that you never complain.In every situation we find ourselves you are always strong to withstand it and i know you worth more than all the money in this world because you are priceless.
Christmas will come and go ad even if we did not enjoy it like others that have money, we will enjoy it with our love and make others envy us even with their money.
I'll be your darling forever,you will be my honey forever and no matter the tradition,religion,language,color or distance between us we will always prevail because our love is stronger than the strongest man in the world.
I love you all.....
You all are the reason i love 2wap.
aprillia2012/12/06 13:16 wow awesome,amazing,beautiful,terrific n all the great words belongs to ur thought.
Donna2012/12/06 13:22 I stopped love since last december, and now I become...
Quote: aprillia: wow awesome,amazing,beautiful,terrific n all the great words belongs to ur thought.
thanx apri
What is "LOVE" if not "L.O.V.E".
Many misunderstand "love" by removing the first letter "L" and replacing it with "R" making it "ROVE" instead of "LOVE" that is why their love keeps diverting and diverting until she's lost.
"Love" gets stronger and better when the letter "L" is seen as "M" in order to make it "MOVE" that is only when our love grows and moves to another level. Making love grow is passing through obstacles and hurdles because few can survive these and still be in love, that is why two of the world popular R'N'B singer:Brick and Lace said that "LOVE IS WICKED" because they tried but didn't survive the other side of love which is pain and sorrow.
We are the GREATEST in "love" because we were able to survive the times when 2wap is just a "MESS" till now when it rules the "REST" and as we are about to celebrate Christmas, we all will keep 2wap going because this is our world where we recreate the "WORLD" with just a "WORD"