To all that do believe in love. Those that will anything to be loved or love. It's good to love because without love our hearts feel empty. Having a lover in your life makes you feel on top of the world and your heart will be like that of a new born baby: soft and emotional. Love conquers all and defeat all wars without weapons. If there is NO LOVE in you then you live but EXIST no more.
....appreciate the person in your life and don't make them feel rejected.

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:43
am dedicating this one to my love and all that loves.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:44
hope this will melt your heart and make you believe in me more baby!
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:45
They say that MAN should come first in everything but i take my woman along.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:47
a day without my woman is like a decade to me that is why am crazy in love.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:49
somebody like JACKI,JAMELLA,ALEBI and the rest can make you accept guilty when you are innocent and sentence yourself to death because the love is too strong.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:51
Don't get me wrong but i think ASIAN love is the best love. i wish all the women will be ASIANS so that they can understand love better.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:53
this one goes to all my GREAT women on 2WAP......
I pray and hope.......
Whenever i wake -up in the morning,there is always a smile on my face once i remeber you.
The rays of the sun are your blessings to me that fills my soul.It is hard for me to count it cos i can barely look at it.It enters my eyes and got me blind whenever i try to.
Honey, i have heard;now i believe. I have seen; all that is left is for me to touch and feel your elegant romantic body so that i will be a complete and happy man forever.
What more can i say if not "I LOVE YOU"
Your name has become a part of my heart, whenever my heart beats i hear your name automatically .
Your picture is now painted in my eye-bob that whenever i blink my eyes i see your face

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/16 21:54
Because of you I now breath luv. Am going crazy over you can't you see?

Please love me more and be my light.I desire nothing more but to love you.
and be loved by you alone.My heart is for you alone,treasure it and never break it.
I don't want to ever hurt you so teach me how you wanted to be treated and i will take it as an honor to love you better.

I pray and hope that after all these struggle you and i will be togehter as husband and wife and wake up in each others arms.
..I love you.

-sweet_honesty- 2012/11/17 02:03
Wow!so sweet of you...that's really a great love..keep loving!
KingFISHER 2012/11/17 02:17
True love belongs in evry hearts around the globe not 1ly in ASIAN pplz.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/17 14:39
Quote: KingFISHER: True love belongs in evry hearts around the globe not 1ly in ASIAN pplz.
guess u are right

-Marizelle- 2012/11/17 14:53
Really nice of you. Karma from me

wap_manager 2012/11/17 14:55
mmh!!!! you must be so romantic....i wish am a woman so that i can be your
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/17 20:34
Sweet Heart,

Sometimes i ask myself:
Who can i trust, if i can't trust in you?
Who will be my shelter, if you can't cover me?
What good is a man if his woman cannot feel secure around him?
What meaning will it make , if there is no trust,love,faithfulness and sincerity in a relationship?
What do people gain from breaking other peoples heart?
Why must people lie to one another?
Must one go through pain and sorrow before he can find somebody to love?
Why is it that there are a lot of men and woman around the world,but hard to find one when you want to settle-down and build your own family?
Why is it that faithfulness,trust,truth,sincerity,love,patience,understanding,obedience and humility is the solid foundation of every relationship that will last forever. Still It is rear to find?

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/17 20:36
My degree in education made me wise but still i never let it interfere in my affection or emotion because true love is all that we seek.
I met you and met happiness that is why i give you my time and everything in order to see that we make this dream a reality. I can't wait to be in your arms cos that is all that i dream of; true happiness, kids that will call me Dad and a lovely wife to kiss goodbye and welcome from work, always be in your arms and make love all night long. Travel around the world with you and do whatever possible to make sure i remain a good husband till we die.
....i love you.
To all the beautiful ladies on 2wap.

wap_manager 2012/11/17 20:38
Is like i will be visiting here to copy love letters for my
men!!! this is good. keep it up.

wap_manager 2012/11/17 20:55
try add gentlemen next time...not only ladies pls
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/18 17:14
greatest of love:
many love for money but i love you because of what you mean to me. i don't think i can last a day without your touch,kiss,love,hug,smile,funny and cray words you say to me. Others can choose diamonds,gold,silver,crystal,precious stone...but those things don't last forever,it will only put their mind in more problem because it has been said and noticed that "more money;more problem". We need money to live a luxuries life but our love comes 1st in everything that is why we never divide but united we stand.

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/18 17:18
greatest of love:
Romeo and juliet is not better than we are ,the difference is that the world has heard about them and soon thet will also talk about US. I wonder what is greater than "LOVE". Even God has to send his only son to die because of the "LOVE" He has for the entire world.

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2012/11/18 17:20
greatest of love:
Now knowing that LOVE is sacrificial,i give you all including my life asking you nothing more but to love me in RETURN.

Replies: 37

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