Is Bhagavat Gita older than all the other... by Rebellion2012/11/02 20:44 Is Bhagavat Gita older than all the other religious texts?
It contains all the philosophy and religious concepts which are present in Jew, Christian and Islam faiths. It is claimed more than 5000 years old.
The Tripitaka in Buddhism is older than the Old Testament in the Bible. The Bible with the New Testament was written after 200 years of the death of Jesus, which is around 1750 years back. The Koran was written after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in around 625 A.D. The Holy Koran was thus written less than 1400 years back.
The Mahabharata War was fought in and around 3150 B.C. and the author of the Bhagvad Geeta was alive to write the text. So, it is about 5160 years back that the Bhagvad Geeta was written.
Hence, the Bhagvad Geeta is much older and more ancient than the Bible and the Koran.
But as a religious document the Rigveda is the oldest which is written millions of years back during the Satya Yuga. Historians of the modern days have not been able to date the Vedas correctly. Some it were written in 1500 B.C. and still some say it were written in 10,000 B.C. and still some call it 'Apurusheya' which means 'dateless'.