How Did You Get Here? by fu9it1v3 2012/11/01 01:47
How did you get here? Who introduced you to this site (if any)? Kindly share. :)

Kingaadi 2012/12/22 03:01
My frnd hd
anitha 2013/01/05 01:39
A old user name vyasu gave me this site name
Hareesh 2013/01/08 13:58
I need gud 4rnds..
ArjunPratap 2013/01/12 12:06
this site name was given to me by my friend and old member of 2wap his name is vyasu
priyanka4u 2013/01/16 03:50
My friend shakti gave this site address
_roshan_ 2013/01/16 04:42
i came by advertisements
The_Torpid 2013/01/16 14:26

bhavnaaa 2013/01/18 08:45
i knwn by google
Munavar 2013/01/18 10:53
An old friend quoted during a talk
Kgoxz 2013/01/19 17:39
Came here by da internet...
_roshan_ 2013/01/20 01:11
Quote: _-AkKI-_:
same here champak /smiley

/same here too..

Kingaadi 2013/01/20 04:33
bro thanx
Suresh1987 2013/01/22 01:15
i found this site accidently
yash5 2013/01/26 09:07
my friend told
FlameTech 2013/02/18 13:30
I came to KnOw tHiS siTe by gOOglEm
Macgyver 2013/02/18 15:26
I had a brother on wap2chat . he is Sameer. he told me 2 come here nd meet my bhabi . so , i came here last year nd fell in LOVE wid 2wapworld....!!!!....
Mcingredent 2013/02/19 20:30
I was been introduce, by a friend and i love it kul.ResPECt 2dat my pal.
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:28
My bro
Desay 2013/04/28 02:59
found it while searching for something like this site
Kakaji 2013/04/28 13:31
through /smiley
Replies: 86

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