Islam does not allow terrorism by Shahroz 2012/10/27 16:16
Islam does not allow terrorism. Its not right to blame Islam......

haris 2012/11/10 20:17
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR: learn his language if u cant understand him or learn english if u cnt understand subtitles....Or else get ur lenses checked if u cant see any of it/smiley
i think it's a total waste of time talkin to u. Absolutely rubbish..

Rebellion 2012/11/11 12:01
Quote: haris: i think it's a total waste of time talkin to u. Absolutely rubbish..

I dont say gudnyt here because I have a good real life And also because im not a frog of wells/smiley

Rebellion 2012/11/11 12:02
Quote: haris: i think it's a total waste of time talkin to u. Absolutely rubbish..

Try not posting if you got nothing to say/smiley

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:10
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
I cannot disagree -shock-
behave your self. This topic is not for defaming of any religion

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:16
Quote: _samurai_: yes ofcourse ! Most of the terrorists n troublemaker's of world r muslims
all terrorists are not Muslims and all Muslims are not terrorists. A question for all of u. Who are suporting the Muslim terrorists?

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:30
Quote: Eeprom: interfering in another countries affairs you name it jihad we see it as terrorism...
see your line. "Interfering in another countries affairs" what USA, Israel an NATO are doing?

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:40
Quote: Eeprom: and with such things and more commonplace you wonder why your peaceful Islam gets the bad press!!
to me its a barbaric religion
controll yourself

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:46
Quote: Eeprom: the grup of uk men i mentioned gone to syria hae gone to fight jihadi crap in name of Islam terror .there no other reason them to go there they british muslims not from syria
answer me what UK done in indian subcontinent? What USA, NATO and israel are doing now? What indian is doing in Kashmir? Thousands of Kashmiries are being killed every year. Why u r only discussing about Muslim terrorists and why u r hiding british, american, Nato, israeli and indian terrorism?

Shahroz 2012/11/14 04:53
Quote: vampire143: ya no religion they have but they have country and country is Pakistan so the ppl in that country dont follow islam
what do u think about india? What india is doing with innocent Kashmiries. If u want to point out country for terrorism then no doubt 1. India, 2. USA, 3. Israel after these may be any other

vampire143 2012/11/14 05:12
Quote: Shahroz: answer me what UK done in indian subcontinent? What USA, NATO and israel are doing now? What indian is doing in Kashmir? Thousands of Kashmiries are being killed every year. Why u r only discussing about Muslim terrorists and why u r hiding british, american, Nato, israeli and indian terrorism?
its because of pakistan terrorism the other countries fight against it, whats u telling is kashmir is INDIAN STATE AND HOW OR WHY INDIANS CANT BE IN KASHMIR? Oh you thinking kashmir is ur start? Get a life, if INDIANS START TAKING STATES OF PAKISTAN THEN UR STATES WILL BE OFF FROM LIST

vampire143 2012/11/14 05:17
Quote: Shahroz: what do u think about india? What india is doing with innocent Kashmiries. If u want to point out country for terrorism then no doubt 1. India, 2. USA, 3. Israel after these may be any other
wow great and can you show me from where u got this list? Ppl all over world knows which is terrorist country? Well why do u fear if US OR UK OFFICELS WANTED TO VISIT UR COUNTRY? If there is nothing wrong why cant u let them

Shahroz 2012/11/14 05:27
Quote: vampire143: its because of pakistan terrorism the other countries fight against it, whats u telling is kashmir is INDIAN STATE AND HOW OR WHY INDIANS CANT BE IN KASHMIR? Oh you thinking kashmir is ur start? Get a life, if INDIANS START TAKING STATES OF PAKISTAN THEN UR STATES WILL BE OFF FROM LIST
the reality is Kashmir is a state of Pakistan and india badly occupied it. When Kashmiries stand for freedom from india, india begun violence in Kashmir. Is there no right for Kashmiries to live with own will? Is india not a big terrorist? Think about it. Now by this situation all can see here Muslims are attacked by indian terrorist?

Hareesh 2012/11/14 15:01
I agree

Shahroz 2012/11/14 15:06
Quote: Hareesh: I agree

CainAndAble 2012/11/16 04:27
*OH REALLY? YA REALLY! /smiley .angry.
Rebellion 2012/11/16 16:29
Quote: Shahroz: the reality is Kashmir is a state of Pakistan and india badly occupied it. When Kashmiries stand for freedom from india, india begun violence in Kashmir. Is there no right for Kashmiries to live with own will? Is india not a big terrorist? Think about it. Now by this situation all can see here Muslims are attacked by indian terrorist?

Help ur pops he is short of ammos.../smiley
or on a serious ur mom she is short of ration .... Ur country is too poor to feed ur own ppl,dont be worry for others

Shahroz 2012/11/17 01:04
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
Help ur pops he is short of ammos.../smiley
or on a serious ur mom she is short of ration .... Ur country is too poor to feed ur own ppl,dont be worry for others
shut up and control your language

Rebellion 2012/11/17 14:41
Quote: Shahroz: shut up and control your language

Yea controls are the best way to get ration at cheap rates /smiley go for it

Shahroz 2012/11/17 14:49
Quote: GhoSTRiDeR:
Yea controls are the best way to get ration at cheap rates /smiley go for it
first ask your elders how to talk with others, seak the manners

Rebellion 2012/11/18 16:33
Quote: Shahroz: first ask your elders how to talk with others, seak the manners

Feel shame;if ur left with any, by viewing the condition of this iranian woman

Replies: 65

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