_ONLY D FITTEST SURVIVES_-_DO U GOT WHAT IT TAKES? by TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/10/24 00:25 Here jUst prove that u're d best in d game..remember! ANYONE can sing,rhyme n rap but few are talented 2 keep it right .so prove that u're d talented one by showing ur skills.
.....NOW LET D BATTLE BEGIN..........................
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/12/21 09:24 Let no fool beef me or diss ma NIGGAZ/coz am d type dat put bitch niggaz in ma tea n drink em lyk SUGARZ/evn unda d heat in Africa i make niggaz SHUDDERZ/n leave em disabled wit 1 SHOULDERZ/ma buddies are bad rapperz so feel their swagg cuz they MURDERZ/leave ya papa a widower by 4kin ya MODAZ/me n ma buddies are 2gether lyk BRODAZ/we dn't allow weaklinz give us some BORDERZ/we smoke it HARDER/4king n lickin pussy unda d WEATHER/evn if rapture 'll fall 2day we dn't BOTHER/meet us in "ONLY D FITTEST SURVIVEZ" where real niggaz GATHER/if u're wit me den nigga HOLLA.
Yungboss2012/12/24 19:24 Oops bitch what happenin to You/i tot yall got ballz wea u hiding nw HUH!/u tink rap is a hide n seek game, is dat what u strive FOR/
Or maybe u've been DAMAGED/lyric like a SAVAGE/pour ur blood to set ma path CLEAR/im truthful bt i can neva be SINCERE/im upfront goin, pussies still in REAR/cnt hear thia pleadinz cuz ive cut of ma EAR/nw listen CARE^FULLY/i cn make ya soul bleed, family mourn u ENTER^NALLY/sitin like Boss king n watch u weaklins BOW^TO^ME/plant sum arrows in ya CHEST/n dug a hole in ya BELLY/itz CRAZY/i stool still n ma shadow walkin like a MORD^SITH/spitin verses like a pastor at d PUPIT/cops evwhere insearch of tha CULPIT/itz WORTH^LESS/ma eye on fire cuz lately ive bin smokin FOREST/ya flowz r NON^SENSE/u cnt even stand at ma GUN^POINT/put ma car key in ya mama ignition JOINT/then ima drive her like a ROLLz^ROYCE/its her CHOICE/wheneva she ready im ready to make her n lose VOICE/diz z beefin nt battlin,cuz if it is ima date ma 4,4/n tel her to cum ova lets sex diz bitches 4 SURE/
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/12/28 10:03 Bitch, row-row ma boat ya blood forms d STREAM/u're not ma level dat's y i let ryder lick ya like ice CREAM/ya life iz 4uked up witout a DREAM/mine iz filled 2 da BRIM/wat a tiny bitch u are u're way off SLIM/am a trimmer,pray 2 me n i'll TRIM/u must b blind as hell not 2 see dat am XTREME/am ex^tra^or^di^nary readin 5,000 degree CELSIUS/leave only me in a country d next tym u'll check there must b a CENSUS/i dn't die i multiply,u son of a bitch wanna try a master wit a rap DEGREE/bitch i dn't jst rap wen i rap i DECREE/wise once won't b Peter 2 AGREE/only a Thomas lyk u wil DISAGREE/to my PEDIGREE/dat Pac n biggie are lyk brotherz 2 ME/not jst a friend 2 ME/on kush-mas evenin i made u kick d BUCKET/i send bitch niggaz lyk u 2 hell witout a hell TICKET/play y'all lyk soccer n wen am done d next iz CRICKET/i burnd u 2 ashes n told ya bitch mama 2 4get d CASKET/gave her ur ash n told her 2 carry in a BASKET/i pay respect 2 real niggaz lyk biggie n Pac dats y i was able 2 wore rap as ma LOCKET/u can't stil it away evn if u pick ma POCKET/cuz am not stupid enough 2 leave rap in ma WALLET/rap iz da S^W^I^T^C^H n hip-hop iz da SOC^KET/if u ain't speedin fast moda4ka stop n check ya BURNET/i keep burnin there iz no burn-out in ma ROCKET/ma rap n rhyme cn't b swallowd evn Busta rhyme iz complainin "men it cn't pass through ma GULLET"/ma rap turnz haterz 4rm PACKET 2 SACHET/i told yungbitch there iz no glory in PAIN/he's jst throwin wack shxts on me lyk nylon,d bitch iz jst barkin lyk a dog in VAIN.
holla back or it'z a defeat moda4ka!
Rebellion2012/12/28 15:48 Here we go...I'm gonna show you the truth You don no...Im better fuck you both who don no..I'm the king of hell Bow down you wont see me Tomo..rrow ... You're just slaves I hit the top like a Ferro... My mins is sharp you just fake with ya mind which Narrow...IDGAF what u think what u say I dnt even speak OH NO... I know just one word Able2change milk2curd And all ur happiness to SOrrow... I hit the deck U dont even reach it Cos I'm ya godfather which u cant Borrow....So cut the crap Get the f%%k off my way Here comes the pain...No pain No gain Im Insane even out of my Clan Im the Man & Im Insane I can stop the Rain Even start-It Im police You Are bandit! This is World war 3 Which you cant see Cos u dont possess the Eyes Neither ya Dupree.. Let Me handle this One//Ur not authorized to enter Lisbon//It has the center of GMT//And the only person who can access it IS ME//I kill the ghosts//burn them N roast//It's my right to boast//Dont even visit EASTCOAST// Cos u'd be lost//With the cost of ur LIFE//Leaving ya kids N wife//Alone in miseries//Ppl attack ya family like bees//When u dont pay them fees//And my fees is ya soul//I'll take it ANYHOW Bastaaz!
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/12/29 07:05 ryder watch ya post. 'ope u're not tryin 2 bring up a contest wit me?
Rebellion2012/12/29 16:22 Not here,May be anywhere else
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2012/12/29 18:10 let ma haterz peace in there PANT/Am evergreen lyk PLANT/I do what they CAN'T/they couldn't sting lyk ANT/it's mornin i jst took ma BATH/time 2 party,where ma niggaz AT?/show luv 2day if u got a HEART/or b a dog n get a knock on ya head by a CAT/they said Slim thug is FLAT/ma "G" eat smthin n change 4rm slim 2 FAT/i swear Fat Joe must relate 2 THAT/luv neva come witout a HATE/Hip-hop is da future but rap decide ya FATE/I stopd goin 2 church cuz i got no FAITH/jst hopin God won't lock me outside d GATE/what gud is rap if there iz no DEBATE/once there is a contest dn't call me ya broda evn if we RELATE/i cuddle rhyme lyk it's ma PET/dn't try me cuz i'll get 2 d finish line b4 u get SET/i used 2b a runner but fate changd me 2 a GUNNER/Arsnal dn't need me cuz am a BURNER/Birdman n Lil wayne knowz am a STUNNER/am d type of carpenter dat hit d nail witout a HAMMER/i got Lloyd banks n Alicie keys singin KARMA/am a beast n a Rap freak u can ask Dwayne Micheal TUNER/if there is a new nigga i luv it must b Kendrick LAMAR/it's bullshxt wen i throw this out n there is no real nigga 2 HOLLA/damn!it's lyk all ma real G'S has gone back 2 MAMA/smoke weed! smoke weed!! that's d only advice i got 4rm ma PAPA/He converted me 4rm CHR^IS^TI^AN 2 MUS^LI^M but he died witout a SALLAH/now am confused whether 2 pray 2 God or ALLAH/got a chick askin me "TRAGEDY wat is WALLAH?/if a cute bunny tells u she's a virgin then her name must b CARA/me n ma niggaz got d game a kick-off but some juuz(fake niggaz) are here 4 TRYAL/i swear they gon get a TRIAL/4uck their TRIBAL/till i die i'll keep d flame goin witout a FIRE/i'll keep givin ASSES some LASHES;burning ASSES 2 ASHES witout a MATCHES.
STUNNER2012/12/31 11:42 I've gone through ya post n most confess "D SHXT IZ TIGHT"
STUNNER2012/12/31 11:50 Am da stunner/a rapper n a burner/i can give a nigga hell beat/witout a sound beat/eat em up lyk Christmas meat/n wake around lyk am neat/Tragedy gave me d gist/now i can kill a nigga witout a hit/if i eva get scared,Tragedy iz aroud 2 TRA^GE^DA^LIZE so y shld i fear a moda4ker/wen i got a master/till 2wap stp existing/i'll make history haterz can keep persisting/am here wit no resisting/cuz lyk a god i make em scared of believing/Tragedy made me a PRO so am a master,4uk improving.
Yungboss2012/12/31 21:04 ,Curse r doze who steppd on ma GRAVE/i knw the two weaklin that tryna prove BRAVE/they b roamin like a lost prey cuz they r rap SWAYD/wit ur mama in ma pimp houze bitch im so PAID/yes im far 4rm ya SIGHTIN/ur wack cnt caus a FIGHTIN/ma profile sayz it all bitch aint no BRAGIN/i wea diz world like CLOAK/so blind dat i lyrically let ma dagger collide with ur THROAT/ur crap is cheap aint no nid to take a battle OAT/yes im d boss 4 PIGZ/n yall r the lucky PIGZ/i let peace b by letin u bitches suck ma DICKz/i got multiple dick, since i got multiple HATERZ/i ride em like skate board call me Yung multiple SKATER/choke in ya breathin den cough out BLOOD/its masacre inhere, time to make it FLOOD/red dot on dia Forehead like an indian BITCH/flowz change colour like an indian WITCH/ma flowz its like ur NEMESIS/still will kill all ya BLOOD^LINE/ive sin ur novel bt cnt match ur PUNCH^LINE/so scare that u took a TEAM/bt ima take u like a slice of bread cuz ur ass r still SLIM/i take u slowly cuz i lov to c you SCREAM/im old in d game bt lyricaly YUNG/bought ur ass 4 a slave, cuz ur life future iz so WRONG/im a monsta i cnt c ma shadow wen the SUN^SHINE/i rule diz game n u like a bunch of SWINE/open up da chapta LINE/uproot ur back SPINE/i make ur blood a POOL/if u eva crossd that LINE/invest on ya mama pussy 4uk it yield an IMBE^CILE/i roar like im WILD/bt poisnous like a rattle SNAKE/listen boy,u messin with a Gorrilla tink twice b4 u put ur life AT^STAKE/bitch i fuck ya mama to DEATH/ur sistaz r still servin time on ma DICK/ u jst a low lifa bitch u 2 WEAK/im SICK/rap made ma mouth lng like a bird BEAK/ima cut off ya tongue 4eva u lose your WORD/diz crap u dropin here 4uk i aint readin em ALL/I cook diz game like yam n make ya blood n flesh ma SAUCE/I decided to stab masef in d heart to c if i cn die, bt 4uk it i lived like clark kent i attack with full FORCE/I envoke dark spirit n lyricaly CURSE/n when i stepp up on d battle ground pigz like yall bow dow 4 da BOSS/,
Yungboss2012/12/31 21:07 Gon b out for lng time folks cuz of phone problem, kip it hot no dulling......
STUNNER2013/01/01 13:25 hood bro. But 'ope u ain't 4kin wit me? watch ya post moda4ka.
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY2013/01/01 17:49 Evrythin was cool til Tragedy came n brought tragedy upon d HUMANZ/if u're ma buddy then u must b a real MAN/or get ya ass smokd lyk fryin PAN/ur bitch mama 'll do d cooking since her name is ANN/sb tell me where yungbitch iz n hiz CLOWN/damn! d nigga must b dead or DOWN/i got a new year RE^VO^LU^TION wit RE^SO^LU^TION rap 4 u,so bitch dn't get outta TOWN/am here to bury witchez n bitchez n den leave 2wap 4 real niggaz 2 SURF/if ya life iz a light switch den b sure it's OFF/god knowz i dn't smoke but i PUFF/if u hate me den u must b a raw bitch cuz evn bitchez knowz am hard to da CORE/pressd ya ass lyk cloth wit iron ORE/till i die i gon b hard 4 u cuz am RAW/ryder dropd a verse 4 u,u havn't replied but here u are makin me feel BORED/i could have sworn dat u went 2 skool witout a chalk BOARD/but a cute bunny gon b a cute bunny n u're a cute bunny ON-BOARD/get off ma boat n recognize ur LORD/ur new year resolution was 2b loyal 2me cuz u prayd 2me as ya gOD/bitch,i can stil play u home n ABROAD/fightin me is lyk messing wit OXFORD/cuz i got a lot of written vocabulary 2 spin ya dumb brain WIT/d dffrnce is dat mine comes lyk bible pages wit verses,chapters and quotes dat can take ya apetite away n gum ya lips 2geda so dat u won't EAT/step back fool!u ain't FIT/ma rap got u metamorphosed in2 TRUCKFIT/now a nigga gotta b NEAT/take casualty bitch! stay on bed wit no DRIP/when am done ryder 'll bury u wit R.I.P.
Haha....dat's ma new year 4 u yungbitch.