ur fav. Hollywood action hero by Robin 2012/10/17 01:25
hi friends write here which is ur favorite hollywood action hero and why?

bunty_saini 2013/02/08 23:41
Bradd pitt 4 troy
SONIC 2013/02/21 12:19
tom cruise i think
Robert3 2013/02/22 08:08
Tommy Lee Jones
Macgyver 2013/02/22 17:16
Johnney Depp , Arnold Swarthzonegar nd Robert Douny Junior....
Celeste 2013/02/27 15:39
Bruce Willis
Phoebe3 2013/02/28 12:34
David Carradine .,/in Kung Fu
SAFDAR 2013/06/27 05:19
Nautica 2013/06/28 00:17
Jason Statham
J_Dz 2013/06/29 01:37
Arnold Schwarzneggar, he knows how to carry his viewers along always. He seems to be very captivating
TAKKAN.5 2013/06/29 13:28
Milla jovich
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/04 06:24
Tom cruize (yes)
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/08 10:29
Milla jovochi
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 07:45
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 07:45
Jet lee...
SAFDAR 2013/09/30 17:01
John rambo
Smarty 2016/04/17 23:55
Do you mean your name is John?
Robinhood 2016/04/19 13:44
Jean-Claude Van Damme
Nolsea29 2016/05/22 11:22
_Ankit_ 2016/06/23 18:05
Ben diesel
Replies: 39

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