Top 10 Reason U R My Best Friend by aprillia 2012/10/09 13:22
10.seem's like we've known each other forever
9.u tell me i don't look fat
8.u laugh at my joke n make a joke when i'm upset
7.we like the same junk food
6.long phone conversation with no silence places
5.u'd share ur last piece of chocolate
4.u always understand
3.u've seen me w/o make up - n u didn't scream
2.u give bad hair symphaty
N the #1 Reason U R My Best Friend is :
if i was lost - u'd find me

HandsomeDon 2012/10/09 13:26
wow nice aprilia
-Marizelle- 2012/10/09 13:27
Beautiful sis
MAHESH_K 2012/10/09 13:33
beautiful topic naughty mwah /smiley
_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/10/09 13:39
I will always ur best frend dear
Hareesh 2012/10/09 13:51
All r my best frnds nd gud frnds in my ebuddy list
so swt topic
u also my gud frnd
thank u

jaQui 2012/10/09 14:06
Hmm Great topic
saahir 2012/10/09 14:27
Nice, very nice.
nazeer 2012/10/09 16:27
it doesnt suit to me, does it ? .dum.
Thapasya 2012/10/09 16:42
good ma frd, tats y u r also my best frd.
KingFISHER 2012/10/09 18:44
best friend is 4evr.
yemadep 2012/10/09 18:44
Yours sincerely/smiley
adamjr 2012/10/10 02:16
Make new friend and keep the old one. One is silver and the other is gold! /smiley
Aamir 2012/10/10 10:10
thats great topic sis /smiley i love your words you always say it from heart.
S3RIAL_KILL3R 2012/10/10 12:22
/smiley wow,very nice!
The_Torpid 2012/10/11 17:06
Thats great dear!!Take karma
The_Torpid 2012/10/11 17:07
Copied this from a pic!!
_Ritesh rockx_ 2012/10/11 17:28
Sweet topic
Dragon358 2012/10/23 07:08
Its a rily gud thing
jamella16 2012/10/23 13:48
hmmm nice/smiley
-sweet_honesty- 2012/10/28 03:56
hmmmm i like it really!!!
Replies: 24

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