Boy & The Girl !!!! by The_Torpid 2012/10/08 05:11
A boy said to his father:-Dad,A girl is disturbing me on the phone,how did she get my number?Father:-What did she says?Boy:-She says that u dont have enough balance in ur account.Father:-Oh its a serious problem we should call the police.-lol- .lol. -lol3- -lol2-

jakheart 2013/03/28 12:09
jakheart 2013/03/28 12:09
and the boty name is what ?
jakheart 2013/03/28 12:09
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/01 23:08
Well done. .lol. Haha
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/01 23:09
Well done. .lol. Haha.
Replies: 25

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