TheMouse: I don't need the religion for that. I don't need to believe in an 'afterlife' for that. U see suffering U think 'how can I relieve the suffering?' and U do it, it's simple, has nothing to do with anything else. Without religion, one doesn't ask for a meaning, afterlife. Those things are theories which don't count. What I see happening now counts. A good life right now counts. I'm responsible for it, don't need to look for a higher being which is responsible. Even if I believe with the death of this body I'm finished I don't lose that belief, it still counts what I do right now. If I go through joy or suffering it doesn't make a difference. All religions eventually become mythology, they are inessential to what U are.
if that is what you believe then be it..we human bieng have given the will to choose according to our reasons and believe..I know there are those who onced a strong believers turned away from thier belief because of what you called"sufferings" that they reach to the point of questioning the existence of god.while I strongly believe that all life here on earth will one day disappeared but life wont stop when death comes it is just but the beginning of the life hereafter and as such the life am living is just but a preparation for the life after death..again the choice whether to believe in religion or not...to believe in the life her after the choice is ours to make.