mock? have you ever? by Spoon 2012/09/25 05:29
ok to start with the meaning of mock/mocking/mocks.1. to treat with ridicule or contempt. 2. to mimic or imitate. frustrate the hopes of. ok now u have the meaning of mock i would like to know how many of you have mocked any1 or anything before in any way at all in you life time. that cld b anything from a simple joke to sumthing u dont like in private.

-Marizelle- 2012/09/26 08:06
Yes I have once or twice but I didn't mean any harm when I did so
haris 2012/09/26 09:11
Quote: Spoon: so its ok to mock and immitate in all other aspects of life just not religion?
its depends.
e.g, if u mock me, i may accept it and wont mind as a frnd of yours. I may just ignore for the fact that i hav a good n mutual understandin wid u. U mock me i mock u.
And then if u mock my bro/sis, i may get angry at you, coz itz ok for me as long as u mock me but not my bro/sis.
So then if u mock my parents, i wil slap u tight.. Coz i love my parents more than myself, cant accpept any mock for them.
And you know what, for every Muslim, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is most dearest than Our families or ourselves. After Allah, we muslims love our Beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him the most..
So naturally our anger is evident when someone mocks our beloved Prophet peace be upon him.
so we protest against the culprits, and we demand a ban on that so called film and insultive cartoons. Also a public apology from them.
Rather than doin so, these people are trying to hide themselves saying its their freedom of speech. To hell with ur freedom of speech, spare Our Islamic personalities atleast.. Mock us, mock our leaders, mock our best of scholars, but plz dont speak any single bad word about Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, who never had food in his life for 3 consecutive days, always took the stones on himself when non muslims threw. He and his comapnions did alot for mankind, so they deserve very much respect even by non muslims or disblievers.

And we strongly condemn any innocent killings, anything looted, anythng destroyed, every thing will be questioned on the day of Judgement by Allah azzawajall. So those who are showing their love for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him by doing wrong things will also be questioned on the Day of Judegment, and Allah Knows Best who are wrong and who are correct..

haris 2012/09/26 09:16
Quote: Spoon: so its ok to mock and immitate in all other aspects of life just not religion? as for me been hurt if ppl dnt like my beliefs i really dnt care thats there choice and their problem i dont disrespect muslims i disagree with aspects of islam but its ur choice to follow that but when it effects innocent ppls lives all in the name of the religion thats when ppl lose respect for it. fine islam supose to b religion of peace show it then? because world events r showing otherwise and i know none here were involved with those events and i respect that i dnt respect that u think wots happened in the name of religion is right and the rest of the world is wrong tho.
Islam is indeed the religion of Peace. Acquirung peace by submitting ur will to the Allah. Anybody submits his will to the God is a Muslim. And peace will prevail.
If someone doesnt submit his will to the God and does whatever he thinks, then you cant blame Islam for that..
To Know Islam, read Glorious Qur'aan completely.. As simple as that..

Manal 2012/09/26 09:17
Quote: Spoon: i didnt name names
yeah u didn't mention any names but even the robot smarty will understand who referring to..

latrine 2012/09/26 09:33
I mock constantly,just as dash, mocking done in jest is 1 thing, but when ppl insult with intent to hurt that's something else,take that dude that burns the Quraan , he does it simply to hurt muslims feelings , this guy that made this film also did it to hurt the feelings of muslims,(what else reason would he have to lie an deceive the actors).its hard for you ppl to understand , but we muslims hold our Prophet(pbuh) in the highest esteem, an insult to him is felt by all, while the response was not the correct manner, as so many innocent ppl have died , its hard for the masses to controll them selves
Spoon 2012/09/26 09:45
i can understand y muslims r upset about it and i agree it shld b banned but it still doesnt give the right for others to harm and kill and destroy property thats not theirs in protest to it, goverments cant do much if the maker hasnt broken a law yet the responses did break laws which make those ppl in the eyes of the law criminal and not the person thats responsible the muslims turned from victim to criminals with the response they gave and made him the victim. there wldnt b all this coverage of it if things were done in a peaceful way but it wasnt
Manal 2012/09/26 09:58
Quote: latrine: I mock constantly,just as dash, mocking done in jest is 1 thing, but when ppl insult with intent to hurt that's something else,take that dude that burns the Quraan , he does it simply to hurt muslims feelings , this guy that made this film also did it to hurt the feelings of muslims,(what else reason would he have to lie an deceive the actors).its hard for you ppl to understand , but we muslims hold our Prophet(pbuh) in the highest esteem, an insult to him is felt by all, while the response was not the correct manner, as so many innocent ppl have died , its hard for the masses to controll them selves
and thats why in islam we are brothers and sisters,no rich,no poor,no blacks and no whites..all are fair when it comes to Islam

Manal 2012/09/26 10:36
Quote: Spoon: i can understand y muslims r upset about it and i agree it shld b banned but it still doesnt give the right for others to harm and kill and destroy property thats not theirs in protest to it, goverments cant do much if the maker hasnt broken a law yet the responses did break laws which make those ppl in the eyes of the law criminal and not the person thats responsible the muslims turned from victim to criminals with the response they gave and made him the victim. there wldnt b all this coverage of it if things were done in a peaceful way but it wasnt
some non muslims robberies that kill and destroy property thats not theirs,it doesnt mean all non muslim are do the same some muslims when they do such thing abt that vid,and died some innocents it doesnt mean all muslim around the world are killers as u think..maybe they died by incidence,and not directly killed or some reasons..u cant say 100% muslim are killers coz u are not with them and see the whole truth in ur own eye.

Spoon 2012/09/26 10:41
Quote: mAnAl: some non muslims robberies that kill and destroy property thats not theirs,it doesnt mean all non muslim are do the same some muslims when they do such thing abt that vid,and died some innocents it doesnt mean all muslim around the world are killers as u think..maybe they died by incidence,and not directly killed or some reasons..u cant say 100% muslim are killers coz u are not with them and see the whole truth in ur own eye.
ffs start actually reading my post i dont no how many rimes i have stated that not all muslims ae like that go thru every single bloody post ive made and count the amount of times ive said its not all muslims then come bitch about wot ive said IVE HAD IT WITH U AND ANOTHERT TWISTING MY WORDS ive been nothing but civil thru all this yet im been followed and quoted and had my words twisted GROW UP WILL U

saahir 2012/09/26 10:47
To mock on each other is other thing, but mocking at each others religion is a serious matter which cud not be neglected. Even taking law and order in our hands is not the solution. UNO shud bring strong solution to prevent the ppl from doing such mishievous act.
Manal 2012/09/26 10:49
Quote: Spoon: ffs start actually reading my post i dont no how many rimes i have stated that not all muslims ae like that go thru every single bloody post ive made and count the amount of times ive said its not all muslims then come bitch about wot ive said IVE HAD IT WITH U AND ANOTHERT TWISTING MY WORDS ive been nothing but civil thru all this yet im been followed and quoted and had my words twisted GROW UP WILL U
why dont u grow up first and stop pointing muslims and islam in all ur

latrine 2012/09/26 12:10
Quote: Spoon: i can understand y muslims r upset about it and i agree it shld b banned but it still doesnt give the right for others to harm and kill and destroy property thats not theirs in protest to it, goverments cant do much if the maker hasnt broken a law yet the responses did break laws which make those ppl in the eyes of the law criminal and not the person thats responsible the muslims turned from victim to criminals with the response they gave and made him the victim. there wldnt b all this coverage of it if things were done in a peaceful way but it wasnt
I agree with ur words -it doesn't give ppl the right to kill innocent ppl

jaQui 2012/09/26 12:58
Quote: jacki: Well, to speak the truth i did not c any mocking lately in post, but for sure in shoutbox,,,,i saw a few ppl using the ahoutbox for mocking to hurt ppl.,,, very very bad,,,
Manal is the one thats mocking me and others in shouts,,,

jaQui 2012/09/27 01:30
She,s always seeking attention and repeat herself over n over, annoying others and then play innocent!
jaQui 2012/09/27 03:14
Quote: mAnAl: why dont u grow up first and stop pointing muslims and islam in all ur
speak for ur,self miss! Why dont u grow up and stop behaving like a dramaqueen?/smiley u always have an issue or a fight with some1.

haris 2012/09/27 08:08
Goodness, this topic is in trashzone now..
Then why replyin to othr's post after it's trashed../smiley

latrine 2012/09/27 19:51
Quote: haris: Goodness, this topic is in trashzone now..
Then why replyin to othr's post after it's trashed../smiley

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