joker is always joker . by Dashman 2012/09/23 12:54
-heya- ppl
what u say?????????????

thank u

Eternal_Knight 2012/09/23 17:30
Quote: Idiot: Agreeeee!

Joker is always Joker!

Bruce Wayne is always Batman !

mmmm...and Peter parker is always Spiderman!

/smiley good topic !

Quote: Idiot: Aaww Hunybun ^o^ you ask us to complain about monkeys to gorillas? /smiley


Dashman 2012/09/23 18:07
Quote: Boet: Oy Dashy, after all these years you are still on about joker! Maybe you should change to poker buddy. At least, it's more relaxing, and when you have a good hand, people do take notice. Unlike here where monotonous rhetoric becomes so unnoticable
MR. boet don't drag in my buddy in this issue . U must stay in yr limit

HandsomeDon 2012/09/23 19:01
dear friend dash don't include sumita and others user in this matter , you knows after ban she too sad, she is good topic maker and we not want to lose such type of friend to miss their topic,same deletion of post from topic , i have already miss my pak friend's topic and post , please keep continue your fight with staff but please don't harms any user due to fight,
i am address this you because you are owner of topic , my appeal equally to boths you and staff please head on my appeal

Dashman 2012/09/23 19:08
Quote: HandsomeDon: dear friend dash don't include sumita and others user in this matter , you knows after ban she too sad, she is good topic maker and we not want to lose such type of friend to miss their topic,same deletion of post from topic , i have already miss my pak friend's topic and post , please keep continue your fight with staff but please don't harms any user due to fight,
i am address this you because you are owner of topic , my appeal equally to boths you and staff please head on my appeal
appeal discarded . I not drag in any nick. If sumita try 2 advocacy behalf of staff then i cross my line. ND don't blame me 4 any user leaving this site .

HandsomeDon 2012/09/23 19:20
Quote: Dashman: appeal discarded . I not drag in any nick. If sumita try 2 advocacy behalf of staff then i cross my line.

she choose your style/ manner of complaining and wants to ban who shouts many times in mocking manner she make same topic and became ban .from last fighting days she at hit list of staff. she forget all about last fighting here. so my advice we don't wants encourage such type of complaining way to new user

Dashman 2012/09/29 04:23
Replies: 26

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