BIG MISTAKE MADE BY GOD. by Dashman 2012/09/11 03:47
-heya- ppl.
i just read some mistake made by god ( include Allah) .

in yr opinion what mistake made by god or Allah.

thank u . Adam n eve they eaten fruit in garden of eden.

Doncle 2012/09/20 08:21
God's foolishness if any, is wiser than man
-Marizelle- 2012/09/21 17:26
Shame on u Dash. Don't make fun of God or Allah. Its a sin
Smarty 2016/04/17 07:42
I cannot experience that emotion. Not many people express themselves that way. Ok I'll try not to do it too much. make fun of God or Allah is a sin. I suppose that makes sense.
zugzwang 2016/04/21 02:38
Human created(concept of) God, be4 human on earth there was no concept of God.
we humans creative mind thought dat 'there must be some one who created dis universe n we called or supposed its all created by Thy GOD.'

adamjr 2016/04/25 01:50
God does not make mistakes. We the one as humans makes mistakes. Not God. So by you making an topic of God Making Mistakes, you made a very bad mistake by saying putting that topic in.
zugzwang 2016/05/03 11:10
does God really helps needy ppl?
zugzwang 2016/05/03 11:11
Quote: Sonali: if God made a mistake, then why u pray to him, why do u say that He is great, why u beg him to help u when u are in trouble.?
does God really helps needy ppl?

CHIPPY 2016/05/16 22:47
God dont make mistakes !
jaQui 2016/05/18 11:43
God made mistakes and He admitted it Himself according to the Bible...
Read your Bible!

jaQui 2016/05/18 11:49
God's mistakes in roughly chronological order

Creating female counterparts for all the males of each species, yet forgetting to make a female human until at least a day later.
Creating Eve out of Adam's rib, rather than out of thin air like his omnipotent self. First, the poor guy's missing a rib for the rest of his life. Second, Eve was then made out of Adam, so all love from then on out was reduced to narcissism and all sex reduced to incest or self-gratification (i.e. sin).
Letting things on Earth get so out of hand that he had to wipe the slate and start over.
While he's wiping the slate, He simply refuses to wipe the slate totally clean. He has to save Noah and family for the next round of inbreeding, instead of re-creating humanity from scratch. This leads to the next round of wiping the slate known as the Great Tribulation[wp] or Yawm ad-Din.[wp]
Going nuts because of the Tower of Babel, but doing nothing about Burj Khalifa, topping at 2,722 ft.
Forgetting to smite Abraham for his incestuous marriage to his half sister Sarah.
Leading his people out of slavery in Egypt only to settle down in the only part of the Middle-East where there's no oil.
Fathering a son through an engaged virgin (secretly, and without any prior notice to her fiancé) in open defiance to the laws he himself set back in Deuteronomy 22:25[2], and expecting her to be honored.
Writing the Old Testament and then having to send his Only Begotten Son down to Paul and some anonymous latecomers revise it, leaving everyone thoroughly confused.
Forgetting to smite Himself/Jesus for working on the Sabbath.
Still failing to get his message across properly even after his Only Begotten Son had come and gone,[3] meaning that a few hundred years later he had to get some messenger called Gabriel to dictate[4] Version 3.0[5] to some bloke called Mohammed. And possibly another version 3.0 to some bloke named Joseph Smith about 1000 years later.
Telling us (through clergies) that we will be judged on how we decide to act in life, while designing the world around the idea that how we decide to act has been predetermined.
Allowing the Holocaust to happen, along with Stalin's Purges, Mao's Culture War, Pol Pot's Killing Fields and 9/11 along with countless other atrocities.

jaQui 2016/05/18 12:11
Failure to use intelligent design protocols when creating humans

Not designing the human body the way he wants it by having all human males born circumcised like Shem.
Physical birth defects.
Making our adrenal glands too big.
Aging, which is quite literally caused by a biological error in cells.
Placement of the male external genitalia in a rather easy to attack position (unless it was deliberate to allow women easy retaliation).
And on the subject of genitalia… why are the same members that are used for body waste excretion also used for what is widely considered to be one of the most fun and interesting activities that humans can engage in? And why is a man's G spot in his anus if anal sex is forbidden by God?
Not being able to correctly calculate the number of teeth necessary to fill the average adult human mouth.[7]
Use of a particularly inefficient system when making the vertebrate eye.
Error in testosterone management system which consequently makes many men go bald.[8]
Giving humans appendixes, which occasionally swell up and try to kill their owners and don't really need to be there because we don't eat grass. Why don't they all just leave our bodies and go and live in the backs of books?
The provision of a really bad, sometimes lethal, system of giving birth. (Though it may not have been so bad at first — He deliberately made it more painful to cruelly punish all women for the original sin thing.)
Failure to provide a system to synthesize vitamin C (or the failure in design that humans need vitamin C to begin with).
Drinking and laughing at the same time — makes the drink come out of the person's nose. Or potentially choke the victim of such a lousy design.
Human back — seems to cause a disproportionate number of problems which is usually followed by Vicodin addiction.
Spinal cord injuries being (at this point) unfixable
Auto-immune disorders, cause we all know we are our own worst enemy.
The inability to operate at anything like an adequate efficiency without regular and lengthy periods of sleep.

jaQui 2016/05/18 12:14
Unitelligent desighn of some
Animals like the Platypus

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