Child marriage in Islamic countries by
Amarylis 2012/09/09 15:09
What is your opinion on the topic
Fantasy 2013/06/14 15:57
SAGITTARIUS: There are some tribes who have their own local traditions,customs and practices which got nothing to do with their religion.
I agree with u, coz its happen in many asiatic country ...
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/15 06:51
i cant understand what u want to tell..
Manal 2013/06/15 07:56
SAGITTARIUS: There are some tribes who have their own local traditions,customs and practices which got nothing to do with their religion.
Agree I even saw in fb that a young boy at the age of 10 I guess married a old women in some parts of africa,they are not muslims
kangaman 2013/06/15 08:00
disgusting and like all paedophiles all those involved should be lynched and corpses fed to zoo animals
missu 2013/06/15 11:12
Dr marriage year was 9 and consumation year was 15 do not befool people and how old were parents of christ at their
missu 2013/06/15 11:13
marriage and consumation time?
missu 2013/06/15 11:16
Do not raise islamic issues we r happy in islam according to the holy Quran:for u is your religion and for me is mine
Sivakumar 2013/12/11 08:10
It's wrong according to rules
Sivakumar 2013/12/11 08:10
By person it may be right
Sivakumar 2013/12/11 08:11
Youngsters enjoy it
Replies: 30
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