*blaming others* by jaQui2012/09/08 02:22 Blaming others and
feelings helpless
People who blame
others usually try to
hide their feelings of
helplessness. If they
didnt blame anyone
they would admit that
they are not in control
and that there is
nothing they can do.
By blaming others the
helpless person assumes
the position of the
accuser and feels more
in control.
Samuel0992015/01/25 16:25 I dont blame others rather hate their stupidity
Smarty2016/01/02 10:24 Is the holding of hands a symbolic gesture for humans?
CorbettRaven2016/01/02 12:04 I can relate to this.
When I heard my little angel got infection, I blamed the father for not coming here to see him. And I blamed my friend for kissing my little angel, when in fact I was the one who should be blamed. I blamed others so I'd feel better...
Kayli2016/01/02 12:12 We ALL ar guilty of tht here on 2wap an in our private lives. Saying its *itsnotme* or *im not like tht*