Raping a young kid. by footprints 2012/07/19 21:58
What will be your reaction if you find a guy that is busy raping a young four years old girl ? And that guy got a knife and a gun with him. And said to you,if you came nearer. He will kill the kid. What will you do ???

jaQui 2013/01/21 09:30
Sad things
metalchris 2013/01/22 06:39
Quote: Extraterrestrial: I'll tell him, "Hey, I knew that kid's parents. They died of AIDS. Well, looks like you're kinda busy there, I'll leave you two alone."

and the Hiv is a matured one/smiley

KingFISHER 2013/01/22 07:02
Never want it be happends ever.
skyliner 2013/01/22 14:36
Call the police
DOLPHINLADY 2013/01/23 19:36
Quote: WoLvErIne: -damage- will kill him. .angry.
Thats is no f@8*ing maybe.

Sweet_Divyanka 2013/01/24 10:10
Try to find a way to escape the child from killers hands /smiley
black_tear 2013/01/24 17:22
Honestly, I don't ever wish to witness such a brutal and inhuman act, just a thought of seeing such a scene yet in person is really disturbing..
Next, I guess I would not think of myself then nor I would be afraid of his gun or knife or whatsoever, seeing anyone in such a situation, especially a child, an innocent child would not left you indifferent and me, or anyone else would do anything to help the victim, unless if one doesn't have a heart and compassion for others.

Rebellion 2013/01/25 18:13
Show him like I'm walking away Then Come from the back side of his & Hit him in his head with whatever i get...Then beat him till he is unconscious Then call for others' Help,Ambulance for the kid & police van for the culprit...Thats what I'd actually do
Zapata 2014/04/04 17:29
Police complaint
detrimentum 2014/10/16 05:08
Random thought, you shouldn't fill your mind with such negative scenario's.
KingFISHER 2014/10/17 02:27
Must kill him first.
Samuel099 2014/10/17 19:57
Hmmm no idea to make an attempt but i will video it and report to police.
Replies: 32

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