*why so serious* by jaQui 2012/07/13 17:54

Life is too short to take
everything so serious. Try something new that's fun,,,
say something funny and try not to argue about anything.
This is wap, have fun.... .mwah.
Anyway, I'm off, enjoy
yourself sweetys-yay-

jaQui 2012/07/15 22:40
*laughing* a pig on a kebab stick...
Sunil_Chaim 2012/07/17 05:24
Rock on
TemPEST 2012/07/17 06:01
I think i shouldn't be too serious `anyway`
FatimaAwan 2012/07/17 06:15
Enjoy life/smiley
jamella16 2012/07/17 15:52
we only pass this life once..so make the most of it..hv fun and enjoy! /smiley
ArjunPratap 2013/01/15 07:35
Quote: jacki:
Life is too short to take
everything so serious. Try something new that's fun,,,
say something funny and try not to argue about anything.
This is wap, have fun.... .mwah.
Anyway, I'm off, enjoy
yourself sweetys/smiley

I'm trying to enjoy my life, my life is serious

Smarty 2016/04/14 19:10
Oh, short to take everything so serious is it. OK I will try it. You don't say. What's your favorite movie?
Replies: 27

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