*friday the 13th* by jaQui 2012/07/13 05:59
Friday the 13th is a
date considered to be
bad luck in western
superstition.... Do u believe that something weird will happen to u today, or did u experienced it in the past, or with someone u know?:P
Or any unexplained things u,ve heard abt?

Nomann_Singh 2012/07/13 06:07
yah maybe bad thing gona happen today .,
Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/13 06:09
Maybe i haven,t find dat type of superstition .
Nomann_Singh 2012/07/13 06:14
yah im the godfather of that kind of badluck
Extraterrestrial 2012/07/13 06:17
I've already been bitten by an ant today so i think I'm safe for the rest of the day. The ant, however, is dead.
CorbettRaven 2012/07/13 06:23
I see. Very nice. Well, I don't believe in such supersition, considering we- the Malays, don't have such belief. I'm very superstitious indeed, but Friday the 13th isn't in my belief. So no. Nothing bad happened to me today, except for something good.
MAHESH_K 2012/07/13 06:25
No sisy i dnt believe /smiley...../smiley .run.
jaQui 2012/07/13 06:44
Quote: Extraterrestrial: I've already been bitten by an ant today so i think I'm safe for the rest of the day. The ant, however, is dead.
wow! Thats realy weird/smiley

THE_SPEAR_KING 2012/07/13 07:27
never. . . .
I dont believe in it. . . .
I hv simple funda
think +ve
be +ve
then everything will be+ve

Extraterrestrial 2012/07/13 07:40
Quote: THE_SPEAR_KING: never. . . .
I dont believe in it. . . .
I hv simple funda
think +ve
be +ve
then everything will be+ve
Great advice for people awaiting the result of an HIV test.

Spoon 2012/07/13 07:57
i have ecperienced bad luck on these days but in sum countries and beliefs its good luck
jaQui 2012/07/13 08:21
Quote: Spoon: i have ecperienced bad luck on these days but in sum countries and beliefs its good luck
pls share with us?:-/

____THe.bosS 2012/07/13 10:38
I dont belive in these things,,,,
Kumz 2012/07/13 11:26
I used to be screw of Friday the 13th, but not since I had one of the BEST days of my life a few years back on a day like today... Now I rock Fridays...13th or not. /smiley
aprillia 2012/07/13 12:38
thats my lucky number./smiley
HandsomeDon 2012/07/13 12:42
yes last night in your another topic same bad luck /smiley
brightsquare 2012/07/14 00:19
I dont blive dat
KingFISHER 2012/07/14 02:46
I dont bliv nd hate superstion.sumtimes itz may be the coz of pplz suicide,isolated 4m sociality and obstacle of development etc. So, i dont care bout it.
AbhiReddy 2012/07/14 04:07
No i dont believe
chocolate.boy 2012/07/14 04:54
nah , never believed in superstitions
footprints 2012/07/19 21:48
its just a myth
Replies: 28

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