Abuse by Chandru_25 2012/07/06 05:45
What type of abuse do you think is the worst and believe has the longest lasting effects?

Humsafar 2014/03/27 20:21
I hate all type of abuse
uonlyliveonce 2014/03/30 16:10
I cant stand a guy hit a women what kind guy is that no good guy and when they hit on there child
Lil wayne 2015/06/27 15:27
I think der is suppose 2 be nothing lie abuse......
Lelsi 2015/07/04 01:00
Emotional abuse is far worse than physical...The wound scars will heal but emotional leave a way long lasting efects..
saahir 2015/07/04 01:01
Quote: Lelsi: Emotional abuse is far worse than physical...The wound scars will heal but emotional leave a way long lasting efects..

Yes, its true.

detrimentum 2015/07/04 12:57
abuse is abuse. Physcial abuse scars you emotionally. Emotional abuse doesnt heal easily.
Replies: 26

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