Ur hair by
Chandru_25 2012/07/06 04:40
do u like someone running
there hands threw ur hair
and no im not talking during
naughty time only.....
RULER_Gp 2012/07/06 07:12
I don't lyk it bcos my hair is d handsomeness of my appearance
chocolate.boy 2012/07/06 17:15
I jus love my hair and it irritate me when sm1 touch my hair ,
jaQui 2012/07/06 19:14
Yes,i just luv it.mwah.
.Armaan. 2012/07/06 21:25
hmm i dnt gve much important to my hair ,they are jus another part of the body ,n they take cre of themselves
aprillia 2012/07/06 22:02
who is someone?
if my love's one ofcourse i like.
bt if someone else i don't let to touch my hair.
AMMU_SABY 2012/07/07 11:22
ya if dat sm1 is a gal.prank.
Idiot 2012/07/07 11:27
depending the gender
ArjunPratap 2013/01/15 07:00
Chandru_25: do u like someone running
there hands threw ur hair
and no im not talking during
naughty time only.....
no one can touch my hair
Zapata 2014/04/06 02:02
aprillia: who is someone?
if my love's one ofcourse i like.
bt if someone else i don't let to touch my hair.
At beauty parlour they may touch ur hair
aprillia 2014/04/06 06:02
At beauty parlour they may touch ur hair
I give them permission to do that
Zapata 2014/04/06 06:59
I give them permission to do that
Dnt give permission to anyone except ur loved one
Xiao Zen 2014/04/07 08:19
What? No, I don't want some random touching my hair ... I don't mind if its someone I'm fairly close with though.
InternetLord 2014/04/21 06:04
I don't like someone touching my hair.
KingFISHER 2014/04/21 15:36
Idiot: depending the gender
I,m agreed with you!
nolsea 2014/04/22 15:59
Yes I do like it.
latrine 2014/04/22 18:54
depends , on how sexy her hands are
ladyme 2014/05/02 19:14
Wud like that when being kissed n indoors. Outdoors? No Way!
Zapata 2014/06/11 05:26
wrong conclusion
Replies: 32
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