If ? by EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/06/25 07:31
1. What if Dash was not a lawyer but a teacher?

2. What if Haris was not an engineer but a doctor?

3. What if Akki was a cop?

Oops, I am sorry I think this will be the first step towards apocalype. -rofl2-

little_mermaid 2013/04/26 23:18
haha lol /smiley
MATHEW2 2013/04/27 00:28
invincible_shadow 2013/04/27 08:37
Nothing happend in this world bt war nt ended
TRasheR5 2013/04/27 17:43
but d FACT dat:
1.dashman is neither lawyer nor teacher
2.haris is neithr enggr. nor doctor
3.akki is nt cop

Barbiecute 2013/07/22 05:53
/smiley omg .run.
mAnNu 2013/07/22 05:55
than surely u would have been in trouble /smiley
Dashman 2013/07/22 16:08
U craze believed this frozen meat
Hareesh 2013/07/22 16:11
I thnk just small earth quake
Stolen 2013/09/23 16:55
Quote: mAnNu: than surely u would have been in trouble /smiley
kya mannu daru pike tu dhating karta k nai,kb sudhrega yaar tu jyaada daru mat pi,wo sarla ka dil kyo toda tune.sad.al of u plz see mannu dumpd one girl for sex and left her pregnant,nw he is nt marrying her,plz req all of u to mannu to marry sarla.sad.

Replies: 49

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