Lively or crazy by Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/20 14:01
:)Who is the most "lively" aur "crazy" person on 2wap.;)

EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/06/21 18:27
Oh I forgot the one and only Dash /smiley
wiLLyRockz 2012/06/22 10:40
cRzzzy ol f u Grlz -hahaha-
ShAhZaDa 2012/06/26 00:38
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: Lively Ragnorak and crazy
am i ? /smiley

Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/26 01:20
Quote: ShAhZaDa: am i ? /smiley
yes /smiley /smiley and ur beating habit shows ur

ShAhZaDa 2012/06/27 00:53
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: yes /smiley /smiley and ur beating habit shows ur
i am not /smiley

HandsomeDon 2012/06/27 02:41
Quote: ShAhZaDa: i am not /smiley

yes ha ha ha

Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/27 02:42
Quote: ShAhZaDa: i am not /smiley
u are always/smiley /smiley

ShAhZaDa 2012/06/27 02:46
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: u are always/smiley /smiley
see ur crazyness.. .lol.

Sweetcapricorn 2012/06/27 02:50
Quote: ShAhZaDa: see ur crazyness.. .lol.
dat was photocopy of ur smili nt my craziness./smiley

GhAyAl 2012/06/27 02:53
Crazy mouse...
ShAhZaDa 2012/06/28 04:22
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: dat was photocopy of ur smili nt my craziness./smiley
so wt is this this now? Letting the big tongue coming out of the mouth. .. /smiley

aprillia 2012/06/29 13:54
i c angry user in here.

Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/01 08:25
Quote: ShAhZaDa: so wt is this this now? Letting the big tongue coming out of the mouth. .. /smiley
and what abt urz /smiley

ShAhZaDa 2012/07/03 17:46
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: and what abt urz /smiley
that was affecti0n fow y0u. /smiley

Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/04 00:42
Quote: ShAhZaDa: that was affecti0n for y0u. /smiley
so whts ths /smiley attraction hmmmm.

ShAhZaDa 2012/07/04 12:34
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: so whts ths /smiley attraction hmmmm.
it was retracti0n. ./smiley

Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/05 01:06
Quote: ShAhZaDa: it was retracti0n. ./smiley
no it was distraction/smiley

Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/06 02:56
Sam and Akki crazy
HandsomeDon 2012/07/07 00:52
lively lovely ha ha ha ..
Sweetcapricorn 2012/07/11 04:37
Shazada,AKKI always crazy/smiley
Replies: 46

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