Opera Mini 7 Released by EpIcInCoGnItO2012/05/31 11:52 The long wait is over.
Opera Mini 7 includes all the features introduced in Opera Mini Next:
Smart Page gives you an overview of your favorite sites, latest updates from social networks (Twitter and Facebook), news gathered from your sites and suggested links.
Support for more than 9 speed dials.
Right-to-left support in UI.
Tab improvements.
No more "www." in address bar.
For the final version we have made the following changes:
Improved stability and performance for Nokia S40 devices. The main concern for these devices is the limited memory set aside for Java applications (often only 2 MB). We have both lowered the memory used by Opera Mini itself and the size of the loaded pages.
Speed dials on Java devices will now show the title instead of a spinner while waiting for the thumbnail to load. This should make it easier to scroll through speed dials.
Fixed an issue with loading the wrong page when a link was clicked.
Removed a bogus text wrapping setting that was introduced in Opera Mini Next.
Fixed more right-to-left (RTL) issues. There are still device specific bugs, but those are mainly caused by limited or no device support for RTL.
General performance optimizations and UI fixes.
Made Opera Mini work on Samsung S8500 Wave and Samsung S8600 Wave 3.
Fixed a connection issue with newer Samsung devices.
CorbettRaven2012/05/31 12:47 Yes. Thank you. It's much better than Opera 6. Thank you for the update and information. I downloaded it straight away upon seeing your topic!
MAHESH_K2012/05/31 12:48 Its also out for symbian s60v2 !.run.-hdance-
Aamir2012/05/31 12:49 *tnx* bro for your good work
EpIcInCoGnItO2012/05/31 12:50 Your most welcome. this is a big release as they took time.
Quote: CorbettRaven: Yes. Thank you. It's much better than Opera 6. Thank you for the update and information. I downloaded it straight away upon seeing your topic!
chocolate.boy2012/05/31 12:56 Thanx ,just downloaded ,let me check if it works
MAHESH_K2012/05/31 12:57 Damn man its much faster , much cooler , much easier n much n much......... no words further .run.
LoneLy_heArt2012/05/31 13:04 2wapworld is not in community tab
DareDevil2012/05/31 13:08 Who needs Opera Mini, Default browser is the best, I'd rank Dolphin second. Dolphin can also guess gestures and you can give voice commands to it.
DareDevil2012/05/31 13:11 Hmm just read on their site, Opera Mobile Web browser is faster and smarter than Opera Mini? What's the difference between the two..
EpIcInCoGnItO2012/05/31 13:16 There are two kinds of opera browsers. One mini, the other mobile browser made for higher end phones that is android etc. Mini is for smaller phones.
Quote: DareDevil: Hmm just read on their site, Opera Mobile Web browser is faster and smarter than Opera Mini? What's the difference between the two..
Jill2012/05/31 13:17 Wow bro., thnx 4 update., am postin diz reply 4m opera 7.. .wink.
EpIcInCoGnItO2012/05/31 13:17 Default browser is slow in nokia phones. Doesnt save data nor its fast. Also dolphins doesnt support java phones.
Quote: DareDevil: Who needs Opera Mini, Default browser is the best, I'd rank Dolphin second. Dolphin can also guess gestures and you can give voice commands to it.
NinthElement2012/05/31 19:17 I downloaded it upon seeing the topic title I am impressed, this seems a significant improvement on both Opera Mini 4 and 6.
EpIcInCoGnItO2012/05/31 19:35 Somewhere I am disappointed because this version is slow for s40 phones.
Quote: Ragnorak: I downloaded it upon seeing the topic title I am impressed, this seems a significant improvement on both Opera Mini 4 and 6.