Happy Birthday@BAD-APPLE by Sweetcapricorn 2012/04/14 01:49
-bday-many many best wishes for the most important day of ur life-birthday- may this day filled happiness in ur life ever.birthday. Dear friend

jaQui 2012/04/15 09:08
~Happy Birthday 2u~

_N0t0rri0uS_NaVI_ 2012/04/15 09:12
Happpy bday
adamjr 2012/04/16 11:08
(birthday) to you! May God bless you and keep you in His arms alway and forever in the nearest future ahead of you! -angelhug-
Manal 2012/04/16 11:14
until now party/smiley
Manal 2012/04/16 11:14
happy happy birthday/smiley
jaQui 2012/04/16 11:32
>happy birthday/smiley

HandsomeHeart 2012/04/16 12:59
many many happy return of the day to u /smiley/smiley
bad-apple 2012/04/17 15:14
thnx a lot for ur wishes.it means a lot to me /smiley God bless you all.
jaQui 2012/04/17 17:27
*Happy Birthday 2u
*BAD-APPLE .group.

Pr1ya 2012/04/17 19:02
Oopsie I'm late to wish you. /smiley Guess better late than never huh. Here's hoping you had an awesome birthday. Wishing you many many more in future. /smiley All the best and God Bless. /smiley
-SwEeThArT- 2012/04/18 06:04
Happy Belated Birthday to u swt buddy /smiley
Manal 2012/04/18 06:23
still party/smiley
MRFLOOOOOOOOD 2012/11/20 21:05
Quote: Sweetcapricorn: /smileymany many best wishes for the most important day of ur life/smiley may this day filled happiness in ur life ever.birthday. Dear friend

Replies: 53

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