Love calculator. by _EdGE_2012/03/27 07:10 -heya- 2wappers
u would find it strange that there's an app in my mobile named Love Calculator in this u have to write ur and ur partner's full name and date of birth. And than calculate how successful would be love. -gap- i knw many would think its sense less. Even i think it is senseless. Bt what will be lost if we check ones. -true-
so, if anyone wants to knw how successful would be ur love life. Post here ur full name and ur partner's full name. And u and ur partner's date of birth. And i will post here ur love percentage.
Post here if u want to knw if u dnt dnt post. Simple! -gap-
EpIcInCoGnItO2012/03/27 20:11 My love is better not measured. It will create overload.
DrAgOnMaStEr2012/03/27 22:23 Seen those around. They are way off since you only give out the first name so that means it could be with any girl or guy with that name. So it aint that correct. It's just a scam to get idiots to sign up and get charged 5 bucks a message.
HandsomeDon2012/03/28 01:02 *haha* can you calculate more then hundred girls they loves me all starts calculation .........