Broken Heart SMS/Break up SMS by LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:35
Its For those who have been cheated and got their heart broken, so you can post all your favourite short Broken Heart SMS/Break up SMS that you may wish to share..!

>>Avoid free posting/quoting of posts/long posts, it will be deleted

>>Give a karma click on what you like and use this topic to share short cute Broken Heart SMS/Break up SMS only...! :-)

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:53
Line by a broken heart

Sorry my heart is Closed for renovation..!!! Be back
When the damage has Been repaired..!

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:54
Don't Judge Me By My Past...

I Don't Live There Anymore.

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:55
I Don't TRUST Easily
Because The People
I Have Trusted In The Past Gave Me
A Reason Not To. . .

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:56
From All The Toys

In The World,

People Choose

"Feelings" To Play With...!!

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:58
Words From Broken Heart:

" I Said My Heart Is Urs..
I Didnt Say.. .

That U Have The Right To Break It..!!

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:58
A Sad Lines By Broken Heart-

“They Say Follow Your Heart But When Your Heart Is In So Many Pieces, Which Way Are You To Follow?”

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:59
I Was Not Always HEARTLESS


After You Broke My HEART I Start Using My HEART - LESS

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 16:59
Its Difficult To Wait For Someone , And Its Difficult To Forget Someone ..! But The Most Difficult Thing Is To Decide Whether To Wait Or To Forget Someone.....!!
LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:00
In Relationship, Always Remember:

"When the pain of holding on is greater than the pain of letting go"

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:00
The worst pain in life is when you see Your life being spoiled by the one you trust the most. and
you cant do anything except standing quiet and asking yourself that is it the gift of trusting someone or is it what i deserve?

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:42
The only reason behind broken relation is.,

Either they think that u r changed.,


Their thinking about u is changed..."

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:43
Avoiding something doesn't always mean that u hate it..

It could also mean that u want it, but u just know that it isn't urs.. /smiley

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:43
If The Person U Love Doesn't Love U Back Just Imagine That U Are The Letter 'E' In The Word L O V E - You Are There But Never Pronounced. /smiley
LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:44
Small but Touching Thought: "Before U Break Someone's Heart, Make Sure u r Not In It"
LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:44
I only have two words for you: I’m done.
After everything I’ve done for you, every chance that I gave you,
and yet you still break my heart. But it’s over now.
Finally I’ve realized that I don’t deserve this and honestly,
you don’t deserve me.
Yeah I still love you and I probably will for a long time,
but I can’t stay here anymore. It hurts too much.
I guess this is moving on.

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:45
Walking alone is not difficult

But when we have walked a mile with someone Then coming back alone that is more DIFFICULT..!!

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:45
Its Not When I Look Back, At All The Memories &
Good Times We Had, Makes Me Sad, Its When U Consider Those, Memories As Nothing To you, When They Meant, Everything To Me.

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:46
Nobody In The World Can Have A Crystal Clear Heart.!!

Because Everyone's Heart Has Some Scratches Scribbled By Their Dear Ones

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:47
Break my heart
destroy my soul
leave me crying
i'd still love you
and i won't expect you to
love me in return ...

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/06 17:47
Some broken heart, may never mend,
Some memories may never end, Some wet tears may never dry,
But my love for you will never die...

Replies: 51

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