Upgrade ideas by NinthElement 2012/01/24 04:28
Please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks

-linda- 2012/02/16 09:13
is it possible to enable us to edit the "Uploaders comment:" section for our own uploaded files?
NinthElement 2012/02/17 15:05
Quote: -linda-: Is it possible to have forward button to buddies?
Yes I plan to add this option.

NinthElement 2012/02/17 15:07
Quote: -linda-: is it possible to enable us to edit the "Uploaders comment:" section for our own uploaded files?
Maybe, will add that to my list. /smiley

-linda- 2012/02/17 23:51
can we have a delete button for deleting our wrong post in others guestbook, please?
_EdGE_ 2012/02/18 12:35
Quote: AaQiB-dOn: Can we have the name of the user who have given us a positive karma in the notification by smarty /smiley
are we going to have dis change ragn/smiley

Mahesh 2012/02/19 03:10
Is it possible to have BBCode or something like that? where, when a user types in [YOU] or /user or /you the forum will replace it with the Username of the User currently viewing the forum. For example if you make a post that says "Welcome, [YOU]" and your username is HELL-BOY, you will see, after submitting the post, "Welcome, HELL-BOY." Meanwhile at the same time another user, say Mowgli , will see "Welcome, Mowgli."
EpIcInCoGnItO 2012/02/19 04:29
Yes I have seen this auto tag function in other sites as well. Think Ragnorak bro can do this. Good suggestion.
Quote: Equinox: Is it possible to have BBCode or something like that? where, when a user types in [YOU] or /user or /you the forum will replace it with the Username of the User currently viewing the forum. For example if you make a post that says "Welcome, [YOU]" and your username is HELL-BOY, you will see, after submitting the post, "Welcome, HELL-BOY." Meanwhile at the same time another user, say Mowgli , will see "Welcome, Mowgli."

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/21 03:40
can we tag a url without using bbcodes ???
_EdGE_ 2012/02/21 13:02
Its my suggestion that in quiz rums along with the quiz points each user gving the rite answer should be awarded 1 or 2 pluses
LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/21 15:42
Quote: AaQiB-dOn: Its my suggestion that in quiz rums along with the quiz points each user gving the rite answer should be awarded 1 or 2 pluses

If u need +s then post in forums ...

_EdGE_ 2012/02/21 16:44
Quote: LoneLy_heArt: why???

If u need +s then post in forums ...
bro, , , , , , -lovehug- i am not talking abt the need of pluses but to gve pluses as an award for rite answer

plz think and read well b4 posting /smiley

LoneLy_heArt 2012/02/22 02:25
Quote: AaQiB-dOn: bro, , , , , , -lovehug- i am not talking abt the need of pluses but to gve pluses as an award for rite answer

plz think and read well b4 posting /smiley
ok , i understood

Eternal_Knight 2012/02/22 04:14
Pls bring back the awards.
NinthElement 2012/02/22 16:35
Quote: Eternal_Knight: pls bring back the awards.
We may look at reintroducing them in a different form which is less likely to cause undue competitiveness.

Manal 2012/02/24 04:07
back the shoutbox pluses again and its rules or if not penalty for capslock users
MAHESH_K 2012/02/28 08:14
There must be given few pulses as a reward for members staying online for at least 30min or 1hr as it may encourage the member to stay more online and one more kind request for adding some online games system to challenge other members and earn pulses as a reward for wining and if lost pulses will be deducted as it may attract more users and will make this site a more wonderful site to enjoy and spend time hope u like my idea and take action as early as possible........ /smiley
jaQui 2012/02/28 09:47

Pls give us the 0pti0n t0 de- and re-activate our acc0unts please? That way ppl w0nt ask f0r selfban. Thanx! /smiley

_EdGE_ 2012/03/03 05:36
Quote: Hot.dude22: There must be given few pulses as a reward for members staying online for at least 30min or 1hr as it may encourage the member to stay more online and one more kind request for adding some online games system to challenge other members and earn pulses as a reward for wining and if lost pulses will be deducted as it may attract more users and will make this site a more wonderful site to enjoy and spend time hope u like my idea and take action as early as possible........ /smiley
i agree

_EdGE_ 2012/03/03 05:40
Can we have a notification when someone votes our polls
Mahesh 2012/03/11 15:07
Is it possible to have a report comment option for guestbook, pictures and forum threads? Such an option would be a huge time saver and helpful for 2wap members... /smiley
Replies: 385

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