Upgrade ideas by NinthElement2012/01/24 04:28 Please post here any ideas you have for technical improvements which haven't yet been implemented or addressed. If you recently posted a suggestion which hasn't received a response please repost it here as the last thread was removed prematurely. Pluses will be awarded for implemented original ideas. Thanks
Quote: TinHeart: How about making 2wap more mobile?Can someone create a phone application for android and ios or any other mobile devices?I bet it will have a huge sucess and the developer can be paid for in-app comercials so it's a win-win situation!
Nice friend ... yes we ( Emo_Cute_Girl and me ) are planning same for best app ... we also invite more suggestion and help in this concern.
Quote: Ragnorak: Support for .amr files has now been added so that members can send private voice messages to each other. It is limited to the amr format for the time being to ensure compatibility between different phones.
Rebellion2014/01/04 11:58 I'mma give ya a cool idea.. Add a tag option to the topics.
Rebellion2014/01/11 08:47 Please add a option in particular forums for listing only our own topics, I mostly create topics for my own collection of stuffs but It's hard to find them after a certain time.
TinHeart2014/01/14 18:22 This might sound a little odd but you might consider giving users privileges on the quality of their post instead of the quantity...I'm kinda tired of one word posts...
TinHeart2014/01/17 14:25 Please add an EDIT/REMOVE function to our own posts,I think it would prove usefull.Thank you and keep up the good work!
Mahesh2014/02/26 12:26 Is there any way to delete multiple pictures from own gallery?
Deleting the multiple photos a real pain– the only way to do it at the moment is to click on each thumbnail, click the [delete] icon, and then
“Yes†on the slide up are you sure?†So, for me to delete 10 photos, it takes 9 or 10 minutes. There's no "select" or "mark" option....
Rohan7862014/03/05 03:35 Every topic which gets more then 25 comments should get some pluses as gift
TinHeart2014/03/17 12:57 You can add an online Texas Holdem game or a Blackjack game in wich users can bet with plusses.
Aditionally it wil draw more people to the site...
The_Torpid2014/03/20 18:17 Users should be Notified when There's a Comment in their Topics.
In Case,If their Inbox gets flooded by Notifications of A particular Topic There should be a Option of "Don't Receive Notifications" .
Quote: Rebellion: please add a option in particular forums for listing only our own topics, I mostly create topics for my own collection of stuffs but It's hard to find them after a certain time.
Yes this FeAture is needed Here.I also get Confused finding my Own Topics Sometimes...
. .dizzy.
TinHeart2014/03/31 09:46 Admins should organize a 2wap lottery.
Users could buy a ticket using plusses and win personalized smilies and gift plusses.
Quote: Rebellion: please add a option in particular forums for listing only our own topics, I mostly create topics for my own collection of stuffs but It's hard to find them after a certain time.
Just goto your own profile then scroll down and you will get ''Additional information'' click on it and you will get there all your topics you made,all your shout you created, all your pluses you have,total online time and many more informations.
Quote: Ari_THE_DoNoR: Yes this FeAture is needed Here.I also get Confused finding my Own Topics Sometimes... . .dizzy.
Just goto your own profile then scroll down and you will get ''Additional information'' click on it and you will get there all your topics you made,all your shout you created, all your pluses you have,total online time and many more informations.
Just goto your own profile then scroll down and you will get ''Additional information'' click on it and you will get there all your topics you made,all your shout you created, all your pluses you have,total online time and many more informations.
Who do you think I am, a kid? I am here since 2009 Do you think I don't know any option available in this site?
The option you're talking about in profile gives you all the topics without any categorization.. I was talking about specific forums.
We know you're very "qualified" & "Intelligent" admin but Pls let the technical admin reply to the technical suggestions.. Thankyou.
jaQui2014/06/14 08:27 A forum for Long copy/paste topix shud be great,,,
Kayli2014/06/14 09:42 funZone is really not fun with all the topics that say *make a word with a b or c* thts really childish. Lets make it a REAL funzone plz.
Quote: Kayli: funZone is really not fun with all the topics that say *make a word with a b or c* thts really childish. Lets make it a REAL funzone plz.
We're both the same thoughts about this zone. See.. I've never add my post coz its very obvious that most of the topics are'nt fun unlike the old topics LOL...Before, I've used to post or to play with friends in funzone BUT nowaday's it made me their topics hahaha...
NinthElement2014/12/16 15:29 Hi everyone, I just wanted to give an update to the suggestions posted so far in this topic
Features added: Most online time in profiles
PM to selected buds
Report to staff options
Voice files enabled for attachment to PMs
.wma files enabled for Downloads
Karma click goes to same page (new version)
Uploading photos via URL
Online games (chess, more to come)
Search option to find a user's post within a topic (new version) and topics within a forum (both versions)
Like button for gallery pics (new version)
Follow option (known as favourite buds)
Poster's name shown in topic/topic of the day list (new version)
Faster page loading times (image caching enabled)
Suggestions to be implemented: Forwarding PMs
Different colour for your unread topics
Uploading directly to Downloads without posting
Auto send invites to your email contacts
Delete own guestbook/status post
Edit own posts for all
Member clubs
Set motto in private room
Invisibility option for members
Guestbook time stamps
Gif bbcode
Tags for topics
2WapWorld smartphone app
Select multiple pics for deletion
If you suggested any of the above PM for pluses if you haven't received yet.