Rhyme da word by Sweetcapricorn 2012/01/22 13:34
Rhyme da above poster gven word eithr in english or hindi e.g cute,mute nd hum ,tum

Georginia 2013/10/20 12:09
Bake cake
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/21 01:02
make fake
Phoebe3 2013/10/21 08:03
word world . .,.
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/21 10:59
sword ford
Phoebe3 2013/10/21 11:40
bat bad . ...,
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/21 11:42
fan ban
Phoebe3 2013/10/22 04:45
right light ..,
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/22 13:33
kite fight
Phoebe3 2013/10/22 13:46
keep week , ...
Georginia 2013/10/22 14:43
Bright light
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/23 03:05
train crane
Phoebe3 2013/10/23 03:06
tell well .. .
Phoebe3 2013/10/23 03:50
bed red . . . .
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/23 03:53
can fan .
Phoebe3 2013/10/24 04:55
make take ...
Georginia 2013/10/24 05:54
Hunky funky.
Phoebe3 2013/10/24 11:14
good mood . ...
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/24 11:18
hello fellow ..
Georginia 2013/10/24 16:58
Willow pillow
LoneLy_heArt 2013/10/25 10:25
pole hole..
Replies: 48

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