So you have the right to hate all Jews based on the acts of a few Israeli Jews, but people shouldn't hate all Muslims because of the acts of a few Muslims who are terrorists, because that's Islamophobia. That's not fair.
Also, if you hate Jews even though you hardly meet any Jew in your real life, then you hate them simply because you happen to be a Muslim. That's how your religion gets brought into the topic.
but I didn't criticise who practices Judaism.So why acts of a few muslims become matter of life for some people so they start to criticise their religion.Whether u accept it or not but people here at 2wap have very pathetic views about muslims all over the world.when a muslim voice for his rights so he will called a terrorist but when a group of people belong to any other religion voice for their some hidden agenda so they will be called gunmen,separatists..WHY?You also know the answer of this WHY!