*losing weight* by jaQui 2012/01/16 21:24

any decent tips
on dieeting?
and does losiin weight
make ur boobs
smaller too *lol*

STAFF pls d0nt m0ve? The wh0le 2wap think im pregnant:-(

WhizBlackLover 2012/01/16 22:23
sap hommie

TemPEST 2012/01/16 23:33
A fitness coach knows better
punamchand 2012/01/17 04:38
go to jeam
GhAyAl 2012/01/17 07:46
Ne tip for
Gaining weight

fast-n-furious 2012/01/17 08:34
eat more fruits nd run run run hw much u can . . . nd 4 boobs let them big lol
fast-n-furious 2012/01/17 08:34
Quote: GhAyAl: Ne tip for
Gaining weight
eat nd sleep

WilLow_DarkSky 2012/01/17 09:14
/smiley i need too..tnx jacki for mde dis topic../smiley
mab21 2012/01/17 10:10
walk alot, drink green tea and don't eat fat and sweets...
jaQui 2012/01/17 11:03
If i was near a gym or fitness coach i wud'nt made dis t0pic /smiley

Pr1ya 2012/01/17 13:36
The colour of your plate could determine how much you eat, new research published in the Journal of Consumer Research, an American publication shows. If you're trying to shed a few kilo's, choose a plate that contrasts with the colour of your food and you could serve yourself 10% less food than if there isn't much difference in colour between the two. Researchers found when the colour contrast between the plate and the food is low, such as mashed potatoes on a white plate, people tend to put more food on their plates as opposed to if the potatoes were on a red plate.
Pr1ya 2012/01/17 13:47
Also, have lots of ice cold water as it prompts the body to burn more calories during digestion. A study has shown that having five or six glasses of water with ice can burn up to an extra 10 calories a day. It might not sound like much but it has the potential to reduce your weight by a kilogram or so a year, without diet or exercise.

Drinking iced tea or coffee offers similar benefits as long as you do so in moderation and forego cream and sugar.

jaQui 2012/01/17 14:39
Thanx every one f0r the gud advice, i need m0re please?

Poborsky 2012/01/18 00:31
goggle this topic for more tips ok
Zibra 2012/01/19 09:50
Jogg,squart nd other exercise
Eternal_Knight 2012/01/19 12:58
lets start from food:
proteins are d best foods that wud help 2 burn fat.


Eggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat.pls eat without yolk.

Eggs contain the vitamin B12 . a great supplement for breaking down fat cells.
Low Fat Dairy Products

According to an article in Obesity Research, women who ate low-fat dairy products, such as nonfat yogurt and low-fat milk, three to four times a day lost 70 percent more fat than low-dairy dieters.
In another study done at Purdue University those who consumed 3 cups of fat-free milk gained less weight over the course of 2 years than those on low calcium diets.
So, not only do dairy products help you strengthen your bones, they can also play an essential role in burning that unwanted body fat.
If you are a regular consumer of milk and other dairy products, that's great (as long as you don't overdo it). Just watch your proportions and perhaps switch over to the low or no fat varieties.

While beans are often associated with the gastrointestinal disturbances they may cause, they are also very good sources of protein, fiber and iron.
Some of the best kinds of beans to eat are:
Navy beans
White beans
Kidney beans
Lima beans
And as always, there are those beans that you should limit in your diet - I'm talking about those that are baked and refried.
Refried beans contain tons of saturated fat while baked beans are usually loaded in sugar. Sure, you'll be getting your protein but you'll also be consuming a lot of fat and sugar you don't need.
Here's something else to remember. Be sure to cook your beans thoroughly because our digestive tracks are not adapted to breaking down some proteins that are contained in certain beans.


While it may not be the tastiest thing you can eat, oatmeal definitely has some great nutritional qualities.
You may have noticed that many of the oatmeal brands are now boasting that eating more oatmeal will help lower your cholesterol level. That's because oatmeal is loaded with soluble fiber which helps reduce blood cholesterol by flushing those bad digestive acids out of your system.
The best kind of oatmeal to eat is unsweetened and unflavored. While I know it's tempting to select the apples and cinnamon flavor and load it with butter and sugar . you really lose out on all the health benefits. If you must sweeten your bowl of oatmeal, do so by adding fruit.
I eat mine with a spoonful of honey (much better for you than sugar) and a handful of raisins or dried cranberries.
Oatmeal is also beneficial in fighting colon cancer and heart disease.

Eternal_Knight 2012/01/19 13:02
Olive Oil

Certain fats are good for you and your body needs them. Olive oil is one of those "good fats". In fact, it's so good that it helps you burn fat and keeps your cholesterol down.
Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fat, a type of fat that researchers are finding provide outstanding health benefits. One ounce of extra virgin olive oil contains about 85% of the daily value for monounsaturated fat.
So instead of taking a swig of orange juice in the morning, many dieters are picking up a bottle of extra virgin olive oil.
Whole Grains

These days everyone seems to be screaming "No carbs!" It's as if the world has gone no-carb crazy and everyone is running from sliced breads and pastas.
Well the truth is, your body needs carbohydrates. If you go without them completely your body will start to crave them. So it's not a good idea to exclude all carbs because the right kinds are actually good for you.
It's the processed carbohydrates that are bad for you . the white breads, bagels, pastas, and white rice to name a few.
None of the above foods come out of the ground the way you eat them . which is usually a bad sign. They've all been processed, thus stripping out all the nutrients leaving you with loads of starch.
The key is to eat "whole grain" foods because they haven't been processed and contain the fiber and minerals your body needs.

Salmon and tuna are also good sources of protein. They both contain omega-3 fatty acids which may sound bad, but are actually healthy fats. These two foods are also good for giving your immune system a nice boost and should be consumed at least 3 times a week.
Green Tea

Green tea is packed with benefits. Aside from the fact it can help speed up your metabolism (which can help support fat burning), but it has powerful antioxidants that may prevent certain cancers.

and if u prepare and eat sweets at home make them in honey a very useful food to burn carbs.

Low Fat Yoghurt
Eat it twice a day.. improves digestion.

whatmore DRINK LOTS OF WATER LOTS AND LOTS OF IT.. Sevven to eight hours of sleep is necessary..

Eternal_Knight 2012/01/19 13:15
Start morning with lemon juice. Add honey instead of Sugar.Eat fruits at regular intervals.
Since u told u r overweight dont jump into tough exercises: start wit brisk walkin until ur body gets acquinted wit it. go as much as u can. slowly start joggin.[if u got pet take it 4 walk nothin is better than a company]..
B4 startin walkin warm ur body up by jumpin,hand exercises[hope u had PET in school]
For breasts i wud suggest u to loose weight first den start normal pushups.
Skippin could do wonders.

End exercise routine with streching,since loosing weight may cause strech marks(i guess u dont want them)

jaQui 2012/01/19 13:53
w0w! Gr8 thx a lot 4 all the tips
Kaesha88 2012/01/19 20:18
Okay. Nyc info
Cmpunk 2012/01/20 13:00
More running is necessary
Replies: 27

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