Are U Satisfied...? by Sonali 2012/01/08 04:12
We always have so many ambitions... But why don't we feel complete or satisfied after accomplishing them?

faridi001 2012/03/17 02:49
Human nature is unsatisfactory.
Manal 2012/09/27 05:43
Quote: chocolate.boy: if a person feel satisfied then its the end for him , ambitions never dies, no matter how much u achieve!its human nature

Toyota888 2012/11/06 06:55
nh57/ ***
Kayli 2015/03/28 22:38
Im happy the way i am.
dellie 2015/03/29 02:04
Because achive we want and sometimes we get greedy.
dellie 2015/03/29 02:08
We reach it we suddenly we want more. sometimes we get greedy.
ladyme 2015/03/31 23:35
It's human nature. Once one want is satisfied another want arises. Bad thing about being flesh. Isn't that why we are restless? I want this, next that, then those, followed by more #sigh# Human beings! Lolz
detrimentum 2015/04/03 18:49
Because we are human... And humans are never truly satisfied.
Boet 2015/04/04 01:22
Because we allways want more than we have achieved. Materially or spiritually, us humans are never satisfied with that wich we have in our bags
Thapasya 2015/04/07 09:14
Even u r in 99yrs old and waiting for last breath then also he or she will desires to fullfill ambitions, coz we are greedy humans
Smarty 2016/06/23 23:42
Do you mean you and me have? And. Perhaps it is impossible.
KingFISHER 2016/06/25 04:11
Human desire has no limit and it's increase gradually day by day.
Replies: 32

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