Dreams : 0 by EloraM23 2012/01/06 13:44
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* Around 94 Dream Meanings For M *


To see the letter "O" in your dream signifies an exclamation of surprise as in "oh!". Alternatively, the letter O implies that you need to open wide. Perhaps there is something that you need to open up about and vocalize. It may refer to a sexual innuendo as in "the big O" or orgasm. This letter may also share the same significance as the number zero or a circle.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:03

To dream of the month of October signifies gratifying success in your endeavours.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:04

To see an octopus in your dream means that you are entangled in some difficult matter. Your judgment is being clouded. Alternatively, the octopus indicates that you are overly possessive and maybe too clingy in a relationship.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:04
Odd Numbers

To see odd numbers in your dream indicates unresolved issues and aggressive behaviour in your life. You are feeling off balance.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:05

To smell an odour in your dream indicates a memory or past experience. Consider the type of smell and whether it is pleasant or foul smelling to determine if the dream is a positive or negative one.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:10

To be offended in your dream represents your sensitivities to a situation which has not been properly expressed. You are trying not to let certain things bother you, but it is eating away at your unconscious. Consider who is offending you.

To dream that you are offending others suggests that you need to be more aware of other people's feelings. Alternatively, you are feeling spiritually conflicted.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:12

To dream that you are bringing or making an offering suggests that you are trying to make amends over a past mistake. Consider what is being offered for additional clues. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes surrender. You are giving up some of your power.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:13

To dream of your work office indicates that you cannot seem to leave your work at the office. You are overworked or have too much on your mind. Alternatively, an office symbolizes practicality, status, accomplishments and your place in the world. If the office in your dream is unfamiliar or strange, then it suggests that you are comparing yourself to someone else. You are measuring yourself against other's standards.

To dream that you hold public office represents your acceptance for the consequences of your actions. You are taking responsibility for what you do.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:13

To see an officer in your dream represents your need to belong and to fit in to a larger group. Alternatively, the officer indicates your need for discipline and direction in your life. You may be seeking a higher plane for guidance.

To dream that you are an officer represents your leadership skills and your authoritative presence.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:14

To see your offspring in your dream symbolizes an aspect of yourself that you are trying to nurture. The dream is telling you to take some time off so you can cater to the inner child within.

*Please Also See Children.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:14

To see an ogre in your dream signifies self-criticism and discipline.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:15

To see oil in your dream represents your desires to have things run more smoothly. Perhaps you need to put a little oil in something to get things moving. Alternatively, you may need to show more love and compassion in your life. Metaphorically, dreaming of oil may refer to someone who is slick or smooth.

To see baby oil in your dream indicates that you need to soothe the child within you. It is okay to let loose once in a while.

To see crude oil in your dream signifies great wealth and riches. Alternatively, the dream refers to over- consumption. You need to conserve and be more environmentally conscious.

To see massaging oils in your dream symbolize your sensual side. Perhaps you need to express your sensuality more.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:17
Oil Spill

To see an oil spill in your dream suggests that you are in emotional turmoil. You are experiencing problems and distress in your personal relationships.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:17

To see ointment in your dream indicates that you are undergoing a period of healing.

EloraM23 2012/01/06 14:18

To see something old in your dream suggests that there is something in your life that you need to replace or get rid of. Alternatively, the dream means that there may be something in the past that you need to incorporate into your current life.

To see or dream that you are an old man or woman refers to your wise decisions. Negatively, it may mean your unyielding ways and rigid thinking. Perhaps you have concerns about aging and growing old.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 02:59

To see or eat olives in your dream symbolize healing and immortality.

To see an olive tree or branch signifies reconciliation, peace, and hope.

To see or wear a crown of olive leaves indicates that you will overcome your obstacles and find a resolution to a conflict. A burden will be lifted off you and you will come out victorious.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 03:00

To dream that you are competing in the Olympics symbolizes the spirit of competition. You need to go after what you want. Alternatively, the Olympics represent unity. It may be telling you that despite our differences and disagreements, we can all still come together. You need to apply this ideology to some aspect of your waking life. A more direct interpretation may represent your aspirations of being an Olympian athlete.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 03:00

To dream that you have one eye indicates your refusal to accept another viewpoint. You are too one-sided in your ways of thinking.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 03:01

To see or eat onions in your dream represent the multitude of layers that you need to get through in order to unveil what is really underneath. You need to dig a little deeper into a situation or problem. The dream may be a metaphor for some revelation.

To dream that an onion is making you cry indicates that you are not being genuine. It symbolizes phoniness, fakeness and deceit.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 03:01

To see onyx in your dream represents self- confidence, spiritual and mental balance and peace of mind. Alternatively, an onyx signifies some unknown or unacknowledged power.

EloraM23 2012/02/29 03:01

To see an opal in your dream refers to your libido and sexual desire. You need to be more passionate in your love life. Alternatively, some believe opals are unlucky and signal tears and heartaches.

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