sagy0862012/01/16 16:55 1. Fyodor Dostoevsky: It is fitting that the list is topped by a Russian. Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky was a great novelist, essayist and philosopher who wrote some of the greatest works ever written by man. He is considered one of the greatest and most influential writers ever and I love his writing to distraction .His two masterpieces . Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov are so beautiful that I cannot do justice describing them. So find out for yoursel
sagy0862012/01/16 16:55 2. Charles Dickens: Dickens was one of the greatest writers to come out of England [ Images ]. His characters . Ebenezer Scrooge, Fagin, Charles Darnay, Oliver Twist, Micawber, Samuel Pickwick, Miss Havisham and Wackford Squeers, among others . were so popular that people thought they were real.
sagy0862012/01/16 16:56 Gabriel Garcia Marquez: This Nobel Prize-winning Columbian author popularised a style of writing called magical realism, which uses magical elements in otherwise realistic settings. One of the most gifted storytellers I've ever come across, Marquez uses innovative storytelling like a paintbrush to literally bring the story to life in front of you.
sagy0862012/01/16 16:56 Leo Tolstoy: The Russians keep coming, don't they? Tolstoy was universally regarded as one of the greatest writers ever. His two great masterpieces have overwhelmed me to a degree where I deliberately slowed down my frenetic pace of reading for fear of coming to the end and in order to savour every word and expression .He writes what is popularly termed 'realist fiction', depicting 19th century Russian life with a skill difficult to describe.
sagy0862012/01/16 16:57 Isaac Asimov: I was just recently introduced to this master science fiction writer. Science fiction is not a genre that I read too much of. Another Russian genius, Asimov was one of the most popular and prolific writers ever.
sagy0862012/01/16 16:57 George Orwell: This British author's writings are marked by a strong dislike of totalitarianism. His famous Animal Farm, an allegory which reflects events leading up to WW2, was his first success. This book is as humorous as it is insightful.
sagy0862012/01/16 16:57 Ayn Rand: One of the most read, adored and controversial authors ever. This Russian-American wrote many novels . most popularly The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. She also developed the philosophical system called objectivism which propounds rational self-interest as moralism. She was as hated by critics and philosophers worldwide as she was adored by millions of adoring fans.