Ego... by Sonali 2011/12/16 07:09
when is there ego? 1. when we don't get attention. 2. When we seem to be losing attention. 3. When we get attention........... Ego causes heaviness, discomfort, fear, anxiety. Ego does not let love flow. Ego is seperateness, non-belongingness, wanting to prove and possess. Ego can be transcended by knowing the truth, by enquiring 'Who am I?'. Often, we feel contempt or jealousy towards someone who is egotistical. But rather we should have compassion or even pity...... There is also a positive aspect of ego. Ego drives us to do work. A person will do a job either out of compassion or out of ego. Most of the work in society is done out of ego. But in church, mosques and is done out of love. When we wake up and see that there is nothing to be proved and nothing to possess..., ego dissolves.

GhAyAl 2011/12/30 08:50
Ego... m so farrrr frm thsssss
Lelsi 2012/03/10 07:41
Sometimes people confuse egoism with self confidence, when someone is aware of his values ,people tend to think he is egoistic and arrogant..
You will know you're not egoistic and selfish when you are truly happy for someone's else happiness and achievements, which is maybe the hardest thing to do, as deep inside we always desire to get the best for ourselves.

Dangerboy 2012/03/10 13:40
Ego destroys the happiness and joy.
forget ego be cheerful...=="

Manal 2012/09/27 16:01
Well said/smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/23 09:25
G.d.e.xplain. .
Replies: 25

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