To see the Nike logo in your dream, is telling you to "just do it". You need to stop sitting around and start moving more quickly. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes speed, agility and athleticism.
To dream that you play ninepins, indicate that you are foolishly wasting your energy and letting opportunities slip away. Alternatively, the dream means that you need to select your companions carefully. Be careful of who you put your trust in.
To see a ninja in your dream, symbolizes a someone in your life whose intentions are unclear. You may feel threatened by this person's abilities or suspicious of their motivations.
To dream that you are a ninja, indicates passive aggressive behavior. You are trying to be defiant without appearing confrontational.
To dream of nirvana, symbolizes knowledge, perfection and peace. Alternatively, the dream serves as an escape from the unhappiness or the demands of your waking life.
To dream that you are saying no, suggests that you are standing up for what believe even though you are going against the majority. You are putting yourself first and making decisions for yourself, not for others.
To dream that you are associated with nobility, indicates that you are all show. You are too concerned with what is on the outside and neglecting the inside. You need to work on cultivating your mind.
To hear or make a strange noise in your dream, signifies the unexpected and the unknown. You may be expressing some fear or confusion about a situation in your waking life. The noise in your dream may serve as a way to attract your attention to that issue. Alternatively, a noise represents a breakthrough into your personal struggles. Perhaps you need to be more vocal and be heard. Or perhaps you need to break through a barrier that has been holding you back.
To dream that you are a nomad, suggests that you are searching for some direction in your life. You are lacking motivation. Alternatively, a nomad represents a transformation or some change in your life.
To see noodles in your dream, symbolize longevity and abundance. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are looking for some sort of nourishment. The dream may also be a pun that you need to "use your noodle". In other words, there is something that you need to think long and hard about.
To dream that you are at the north pole, signifies completion and an ending to some journey, situation, or relationship. You have successfully completed your transformation.
To see the north star in your dream, symbolizes a guiding light or a guardian angel that will point you toward your direction in life. You will experience clarity in a situation.
To see the northern lights in your dream, represent renewed energy, vitality, awe, insight and youth. A situation or relationship will be made clear to you or a positive spiritual experience will fill you with warmth and love. You will gain some amazing new wisdom and knowledge. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you know what you need to do, but may be too lazy or too afraid to jump into action.
To see your own nose in your dream, signifies a conscious effort to achieve whatever endeavor you chose to undertake. The nose represents energy, intuition, and wisdom. The dream may suggest your need to learn more about a situation at hand. Alternatively, the nose symbolizes curiosity, as in being nosy. Perhaps you are interfering into situations and things that are none of your business. If you dream that your nose is growing, then it suggests that you or someone is lying and being dishonest.
To dream that hair is growing on your nose, signifies your strong will and solid character.
To dream that a bug or insect is coming out of your nose, indicates that you are being nosy to the point where it is "bugging" and bothering others. You need to learn to when to get out of people's business and respect their privacy.
To dream that you have a bloody nose, means that your character is under attack. If your nose is stuffed up, then it suggests that you unable to freely and fully express yourself
To read or write a note in your dream, suggests that there is an important message that you need to convey. There is something that you need to let others know.
To dream that you are passing notes, symbolize your pursuit for knowledge and information.
To see musical notes in your dream, represent harmony or disharmony in your waking life, depending on whether the musical note was a sharp note or flat note.