Dreams: N by EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:37
For Other Dream Meanings from A-Z topic id: 2902032

* Around 97 Dream Meanings For M *


To see the letter "N" in your dream, implies the end of some habit, journey, relationship or condition.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:38

To make or eat nachos in your dream, signifies your need for more leisurely pursuits. You need to take some time out

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:39

To dream that someone is nagging you, suggests that you need to change your attitudes about your preconceived notions. It is time to make some changes in your life. You need to look at things from a different perspective.

To dream that you are nagging someone, indicates that you need to confront some repressed resentment or unexpressed anger.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:39
Nail File

To see a nail file in your dream, suggests that you need to smooth out the rough edges of your personality or your relationship with others. You may be a little too harsh and too abrasive toward others.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:40
Nail Polish

To polish your nails in your dream, suggests that you need to put more focus onto what you are doing and what you are trying to accomplish.

To dream that you are changing your nail polish color, represents your creativeness or emotional nature.

Look up the color of the nail polish for additional significance. In particular, to see blue, green black, purple or other non-traditional nail polish color in your dream, represents your free spirit. You like to express yourself in unique ways. If you see clear nail polish in your dream, then it signifies your objectiveness in a situation.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:40

To hammer nails in your dream, represent your tenacity and ability to drive a hard bargain. Also consider the pun, "getting nailed" which refers to a sexual innuendo or which means getting caught with something. Alternatively, the dream may also point to another popular phrase "hitting the nail on the head", which suggests that you have fully resolved a situation.

To see nails in your dream, symbolize long and hard work for little compensation and pay. It may also be analogous to some rugged or tough force.

To dream that you hurt yourself with a nail, suggests that you need to be careful with what you say.

*Please see also Fingernails.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:41

To dream that you are naked, denotes fear of being found out and exposed over your activities. You feel that you are being misjudged.

To dream that you suddenly discover your nudity and are trying to cover up, signifies your vulnerability to a situation.

To see a naked person in your dream and you are disgusted by it, represents some anxiety about discovering the naked truth about that person or situation. It may also foretell of an illicit love affair, a loss of prestige or some scandalous activity. On the other hand, if you are accepting of someone else's nudity, then it implies that you can see right through them and their intentions. Or perhaps, you are completely accepting them for who they are. If you do not care about someone else's nudity, then it suggests that you need to learn not to be afraid of rejection.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:41

To dream that you forget your name or someone else's name, suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed and burdened. It may also indicate that you have forgotten your true self or your family roots.

To hear your name being called, indicates that you are in touch and in tune with your spirituality. You need to be more aware of your own uniqueness and your individuality.

To see a familiar name written in your dream, symbolizes the way you feel about that person. Your intuition about them may turn out to be true.

To dream that you changed your name or are referred to by a different name, suggests that you are undergoing some major transformation or metamorphosis in your waking life. You are experiencing a reawakening.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:42
Name Badge

To see or wear a name badge in your dream, symbolizes your identity. The dream signifies your desires to reach out to others. Alternatively, the dream represents an unfamiliar situation.

If the name on the badge is not your name, then it means that you are experiencing an identity crisis. Perhaps you are doing something that is out of character. You have lost a little bit of yourself.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:42

To dream that you are taking a nap, suggests that you need to take a little time off to relax and take it easy. Give yourself a break.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:42

To see a napkin in your dream, signifies neatness and cleanliness. Alternatively, the dream may be preparing you for some good news.

To see soiled napkins in your dream, symbolize some major marital or relationship problem.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:43

To see a narcissus in your dream, represents vanity. This dream symbol may be a metaphor for someone in your life who is narcissistic. Alternatively, it symbolizes divine love.


*Please see Drugs.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:43

To dream about narrow spaces, indicate that you are experiencing some struggle in your life journey. You are feeling restricted and confined. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for your narrow-mindedness. Something narrow is also symbolic of female sexuality.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:43

To see nasturtiums in your dream, symbolize patriotism and love of country.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:45
National Anthem

To hear or sing the national anthem of your own country in your dream, signifies pride and love of country. It also represents your winning spirit.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:45
Native American

To see a Native American in your dream, represents the instinctual and untamed aspect of your character. You desire more freedom from cultural and society restraints.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:45

To see the nativity in your dream, indicates that you have made a startling new discovery about yourself and your capabilities. It also points to the importance of spiritual enlightenment and inner strength as opposed to material richness.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:46

To dream of nature, denotes freedom, tranquility, restoration, and renewal. You are utilizing your instinctual nature.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:46

To dream that you have nausea, suggests that you are suffering from a situation or condition in which you are trying to escape from.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:47

To see your navel in your dream, represents your being and self. The dream may indicate that you need to find your center and middle ground. Alternatively, to dream of your navel signifies the bonding to their mother.

To dream that you or someone has a navel piercing, denotes your deep connection with your mother. Perhaps the dream is telling you to reconnect with your mother or that you need to be in touch with your maternal instincts.

EloraM23 2011/12/08 22:47

To dream that you are in the Navy, symbolizes your need for organization, discipline and structure in your life.

Navy blue color represents a lack of individuality and creativity.

Replies: 98

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