Green jokes by Manal 2011/10/24 19:41

1. Asthmatic - Ah AahhAh.Ahh

2.Obedient - Yeess.yesss

3. Unsatisfied - more.mmooorreee.

4.Religious - Oh God! Oh Goooddd!!!

Manal 2011/10/25 09:53
A train is bout 2 crash!
A frantic virgin strips off and says can any1 make me feel like a woman b4 i die?
So a man takes off his clothes and says iron these!/smiley

_drk_ 2011/10/25 13:21
The husband who wants a happy marriage should learn to keep his mouth shut and his checkbook open /smiley
Bettle 2011/11/02 19:16
Nice. Oh God oh goood
Stela 2011/11/18 11:06
Very funny desert lady /smiley
whispaz 2011/11/18 16:19
The_Torpid 2012/10/05 15:51
Green jokes r green as the leaves.
Crownstar 2015/01/05 04:40
.imao1. I like dat word
-SoftHeart- 2015/01/10 18:27
adil_9999 2015/09/19 10:29
Hhahahahahaa naughty girl ahahahanhan
adil_9999 2015/09/19 10:30
Hahahhahahaha hahahhaaha lol naughty girl hahhahaa
Georginia 2015/09/20 06:28
Quote: Manal: Breakup Story..

Girl: Hi Baby ..
Boy: Hi My lovely .. (Sending failed) Girl : Are you here?
Boy: Yes Yes Im here (Sending failed) Girl: Are you ignoring me or what!!? Boy: Honey im not Im right here :/ (Sending failed)
Girl: Its over. Dont you ever talk to me again!
Boy: Damn ! Go to hell! ( Message Sent! )-hahaha-

Replies: 31

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