ATTENTION PLEASE! by Manal 2011/09/28 09:14
I just recieve this from my inbox in other website..........

ATTENTION PLEASE: Anyone-using Internet mail such as Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL and so on. This information arrived this morning, Direct from both Microsoft and Norton. Please send it to everybody you know who has Access to the Internet. You may receive an apparently harmless e-mail titled Here you have it If you open the file, a message will appear on your screen saying: 'It is too late now, your life is no longer beautiful, f*** you and die....' Subsequently you will LOSE EVERYTHING IN YOUR PC. And the person who sent it to you will gain access to your Name, e-mail and password, etc. This is a new virus which started to circulate on Saturday afternoon. AOL has already confirmed the severity, and the antivirus software's are not capable of destroying it. The virus has been created by a hacker who calls himself 'life owner'. PLEASE SEND A COPY OF THIS E-MAIL TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS, And ask them to PASS IT ON IMMEDIATELY!.. THIS IS REAL!!

TheMouse 2011/09/29 00:01
I suggest antibiotics for virus treatment.
ACIDized 2011/09/29 06:09
This hoax started circulating in early 2002 and it has been passed around ever since. In spite of a great deal of online exposure, the hoax tends to resurge from time to time and its rate of circulation increases dramatically for a few months. As hoax emails go, this is one of the most "successful". Perhaps because of the apparent destructiveness of the "virus" and the urgent tone of the warning, people are apt to forward the message without much forethought. Like many other hoaxes, it capitalizes on the recipient's desire to help other Internet users by warning them of a perceived threat.

Before forwarding a virus warning email, it is always a good idea to check that the information in the message is valid. Virus hoaxes are quite common, and like this one, they tend to circulate for years after they are first launched. In other cases, virus warnings that may have been originally true circulate long after the described virus has ceased to be a significant threat. Virus hoaxes and outdated warnings are no help to anybody. All they do is waste time, cause confusion and needlessly clutter inboxes. Such problems mean that forwarding warning emails may not be the best way to help battle viruses and other computer security threats.

If you receive this email hoax, please help to stop its continued circulation by letting the sender know that it is a hoax and should not be forwarded.

Always check this website for hoaxes

ACIDized 2011/09/29 06:11
Why do people create misleading topics in tech area?? Noobs!!
____THe.bosS 2011/10/11 06:32
True but not everything anyway nice topic
Topcat1 2011/10/11 11:29
Respect 2 that hacker ! . . .wat type of virus do u thnk ths could b ?
Pr1ya 2011/10/14 16:08
Thank you for the info, will pass on the info.
Password 2011/10/17 06:12
Relax thats nonsense.. use common sense.. if the virus that supposedly destroys everything on the PC it has to include the virus with it.. be rational i mean it is really posible that some virus like the VHG worm that attaches to windows starting system and even if it was possible to destroy it all IT'LL be included... Vulnerabilities with the system are easy to find but most of the virus are created to win something.. I mean that if you don't own a bank don't worry about them /smiley
Someone 2011/10/18 10:04
Quote: ACIDized: This hoax started circulating in early 2002 and it has been passed around ever since.

If you receive this email hoax, please help to stop its continued circulation by letting the sender know that it is a hoax and should not be forwarded.

Always check this website for hoaxes

Correct, and i wonder why staff not yet closed this topic. Check below links which proves that topic owner posted a hoax story by mistake.



craazy 2011/10/20 01:24
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/10/20 01:44
Seems to be just another hoax email. I will open this one for you if you can furnish us with some more reliable source detail concerning the topic. Thank you.
Replies: 30

This topic is closed.
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