Content and satisfied with life :-| by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/17 19:49
Are you one of those who is never satisfied with what your getting from life ? Even though your at peace you wish more, wish a better better life.

Do you wish a better cellphone even though you have the good one ? Do you like shopping even though your demands have already been met ? Do you wish you had a better life inspite of having a good one ? Your not satisfied and you dont know where to draw the line.

Or are you one of those who just wants to enjoy and be happy with a good enough meal. Are you one who doesnt spend wishing and wishing for better ? Your content and satisfied, your not in haste, you dont waste :-)

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/17 19:51
I am very satisfied with whatever i am getting from life, just waiting that it will get better but not in a rush. I dont waste nor am i in haste.
samii 2011/09/17 19:53
Satisfied with what i have and praying to god to give me more/smiley
Insenus_AmoR 2011/09/17 20:01
m happy wit wat i am.. -dbunny-
Lelsi 2011/09/17 21:10
That's called greed,when you have enough and yet strive for more... I'm happy with what I have, althought I have some wishes, like any other human being/smiley.
Marlou 2011/09/17 23:11
The secret of being happy is to be c0ntented of what u have. Well, i am happy and never wish to ruin it/smiley Although yes i have also s0me wishes but i do understand that it will never be materialize in haste.
Boet 2011/09/17 23:13
All good things come to those whom are patient. So many spend their whole lives amassing earthly posessions, and don't find time to appreciate what they have.
Kumz 2011/09/18 02:06
In my case...
Yes, it'd be nice if I had a cooler phone, but then again, the one I have works just fine and although it's camera sucks, it does what I need.
I wish my PC worked or I got a new one. But then again I do what's done on the pc on my mobile. So that's all cool.
I wish i had a few more new clothes, but honestly? I cant be bothered shopping. Besides, I have just enough, so that I won't be wearing the same top twice in one week./smiley
I wish I had my own car instead of having to borrow dad's. But then again, I prefer being at home than going all over, and it would have been a waste.

*So you see... I'd LOVE to have more, and would get it, eventually... *but then again...* I'm happy with what I have right now. /smiley

TheMouse 2011/09/18 02:29
I'm happy to look after my, currently nine, mice, and to wander across the land with a water bottle and binoculars. Apart from on the animals, I hardly need to spend any money, so I invest it instead, to increase my economic stability. Most shops I no longer frequent, as there's nothing I need to buy. The older I get, the more I have, through an increasing consciousness of needing nothing more than I do have.
Mahesh 2011/09/18 03:14
I'm too comfortable with it but you know we can never get everything we want in
this life. struggles and needs are just part of it, for
you can never enjoy life without it. we
only have to be courageous enough to
face them, and have a humble heart to
accept what awaits us in the end.

Terry 2011/09/18 04:53
im happy and contented wid what i have now /smiley
Muwale 2011/09/18 05:21
I am always satisfied with what I have.
ACIDized 2011/09/18 05:32
Being not satisfied helps the economy to get a boost, but adds pressure on the resources.
LoneLy_heArt 2011/09/18 05:35
.lol. There is no end of craving ...
lion 2011/09/18 06:31
I'm satisfied with life because I learned a
long time ago, through observation, that
not being satisfied induces depression,
unhappiness and even bitterness. I
believe that satisfaction = happiness. You
know the saying, 'Happiness means wanting what you have, not having what
you want.' How very true! Even so, why
should life satisfaction and happiness be
so important in our lives; why should we
be so self-centred as to expect this? Let's
just get on with 'being', and pray that our brothers and sisters living in one of the
countries being torn apart by war, famine,
or both, will be delivered from their hell.

SiLVeR_BuLLeT 2011/09/18 06:45
I'm satisfied
EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/18 07:31
Are you a student of macroeconomics ?
Quote: -mysterion-: Being not satisfied helps the economy to get a boost, but adds pressure on the resources.

ACIDized 2011/09/18 07:34
Quote: GrUnGePrInCe: Are you a student of macroeconomics ?

We had economics (yes)

EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/18 07:39
/smiley oh yes, my bad.
Quote: -mysterion-:
We had economics (yes)

dad_ash 2011/09/18 08:09
Thousands of desires, each worth dying for...
many of them I have realized...yet I yearn for more...
Nice topic prince*karm*

MaG 2011/09/18 09:53
i am satisfy wid my life,
but always try to have some more . . . .

Replies: 30

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