Phone speed. by EpIcInCoGnItO 2011/09/13 21:07
I have frequently seen members asking for a solution, saying their browser hangs, phone restarts, page loading hangs, browser doesnt open and that it takes time to download and access apps.

All of this is an indirect effect of your phone memory or phone RAM.
The phone memory is always in use and keeps working while you browse or use any app, theme etc. So if your phone memory doesnt have enough space it will cause problems.

Techies say,all the downloaded stuff should be preserved in your external memory card, so that we keep atleast 70% of phone memory empty. Then your phone will work at a proper speed while accessing apps, browsing etc.

The lesser the empty space on phone, the slower the operations. Enjoy. -king-

efenurefelix 2011/09/29 03:35
Tnks 4 dis
Replies: 21

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