Why?.. by _cowboy_ 2011/09/03 01:30
Girls dont like 2 study much..



they know that in any corner of the world at least one sweet idiot is studying for them and their future! :)

m3r1kach1 2013/11/07 13:59
i d0nt thINK s0
HandsomeDon 2013/11/08 02:35
Quote: saima: .lol. .................... ............................... ....................

friend please don't flood topic ...

Samuel099 2014/05/11 17:48
Quote: ~~CuTE giRL~~: .lol. .................... ............................... ....................
please Stop what you are doing! .lol.

Smarty 2015/11/27 03:01
And studying for them and their future is Girls do not like 2 study much Why coz they know that in any corner of the world at least one sweet idiot. I am so glad you find this amusing, .
Replies: 324

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