To see the letter "L" in your dream, is symbolic of loser. Alternatively, the dream may also signify your fear of the "l-word". You cannot even bring your dreaming mind to express love.
To see lettuce growing in your dream, represents abundance. It points you back to a simpler time.
To dream that you are eating lettuce, signifies your need for spiritual nourishment. It may also mean that you are lacking in a particular nutrient. You need to eat a more well balanced diet. The dream may also be a pun on "let us". Is there some situation where you are seeking approval or permission?
To see or use a leveler in your dream, symbolizes balance and harmony. Everything is in alignment. The dream may also suggest that you need to look at things from a different level in order to gain a new perspective.
To dream that you are levitating, suggests that you are holding on to far-fetched and outlandish ideas. You need to be more realistic. Alternatively, the dream means that you may not be feeling grounded or safe. You are feeling helpless and disconnected with those around you.
To see someone levitating in your dream, represents your desire to be helpful and supportive to others. Alternatively, It indicates that you admire or look up to the person being levitated.
To dream that you are making someone or something levitate in your dream, represents your supportive nature. Alternatively, the dream indicates that you are trying to balance too many things in your life. It may literally mean that "things up are up in the air". You do not have a conclusion or decision about something.
To dream that someone is calling you a liar, denotes that you will be irked by some deceitful person.
To dream that you are lying, suggests that you are trying to deceive yourself into believing in something that goes against your natural instincts or long held values. Ask yourself what you are hiding from yourself or from others.
To dream that someone is a liar, indicates your growing distrust for that person. You may have lost your faith in that individual. Alternatively, it suggests that you are no longer as confident.
To dream that you are in a library, signifies your search for knowledge and your hunger for ideas. You may be trying to seek out new meanings to life. You need to study and evaluate your situation before taking action. If the library is disorganized, then it suggests that too much information is coming at you at the same time. You are having difficulty sorting it all out.
To dream that you cannot find a book in the library or that the book you are looking for is already checked out, suggests that a certain aspect of your self is lacking enrichment or is under developed.
To see a library in your dream, symbolizes the knowledge you have accumulated over the years.
To see lice in your dream, signify frustrations, distress and feelings of guilt. You may be feeling emotionally or physically unclean. Alternatively, the lice represents a person, situation, or relationship that you want to distance yourself from. You may be feeling used or taken advantage of.
To see or carry a license in your dream, represents control over your life. You have been given the go ahead to pursue or proceed with a new endeavor in your life.
To dream that you are licking something, signifies your need to be more cautious before proceeding on to new situations or adventures. You need to be more careful and methodical in your endeavors. Alternatively, it may also represent satisfaction in some minor matters.
To dream that you are licked by an animal, means that you will be called upon for advice.
To see or eat licorice in your dream, suggests that you are enjoying a little sweetness in your life. You are in a relaxed state of mind. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for someone who is genuinely sweet and kind-hearted.
To see or wear a life jacket in your dream, symbolizes security and reinforcement. You are in need of some support.
To dream that you are not wearing a life jacket, indicates that you want to approach your emotions and problems head on, even though it may be painful or uncomfortable.
To see or wear a life saver in your dream, suggests that you are getting another opportunity or chance. Take advantage of the opportunity before it slips away. Alternatively, a life saver symbolizes wholeness and completeness. The dream may also be a metaphor for someone who has saved you from a jam or difficult situation.
To see a lifeboat in your dream, suggests that you need help in coping with your emotions. You want to be rescued from a current situation that you feel is beyond your control.
To see or dream that you are a lifeguard, means that you are keeping your emotions well guarded. Perhaps you are seeking some guidance and support while you carefully explore aspects of your unconscious.
To see light in your dream, represents illumination, clarity, guidance, plain understanding, and insight. Light is being shed on a once cloudy situation or problem. You have found the truth to a situation or an answer to a problem. Also consider the color of the light for additional significance.
If the light is particularly bright, then it indicates that you need to move toward a higher level of awareness and feeling. Bright light dreams are sometimes common for those who are near death.
To see soft or shadowy lighting in your dreams, indicates feelings and thoughts from the primal aspects and less developed parts of your unconscious.
To dream that you cannot turn on the light, indicates a lack of insight and perspective on a situation.
To see a light bulb in your dream, suggests that you are ready to accept and/or face reality. It refers to your consciousness. The dream also symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, hope, new ideas and visions. You are approaching a situation from a new direction.
To see a burned out light bulb in your dream, indicates that you are feeling ineffective. You feel that you are out of ideas or that you have nothing to offer.