To see the letter "L" in your dream, is symbolic of loser. Alternatively, the dream may also signify your fear of the "l-word". You cannot even bring your dreaming mind to express love.
To see or set a land mine in your dream, suggests that you are under some extreme pressure or stress. You fear making mistakes or tripping up on some project. Alternatively, a land mine symbolizes emotions or issues that can potentially explode if they are not properly addressed.
To see the landing of an aircraft in your dream, signifies completion of a journey or some task. Some issues which you felt was out of control is now being grounded
To see your landlord in your dream, represents the part of yourself that is always in control. It refers to your rational and responsible side. Perhaps you need to show more restraint and control in certain areas of your psyche
To dream of various landscapes in your dream, represent where you are in your life or in your relationships. How do you see yourself with respect to the rest of the world and those around you? Consider what is going on in the landscape and how it may parallel your own waking life. In particular, a barren or dry landscape depicts dissatisfaction in your love life. According to Freud, the dream landscape symbolizes the human body. A landscape with gentle contours symbolize the female body, while a rocky landscape represents the male body. Also consider the feelings that the landscape invokes.
To dream of ever changing landscapes, indicates psychological transitions or emotional progress. It represents the various stages in your life. Alternatively, it may be offering you various viewpoints in looking at the same idea or situation. Something may be slipping away from your grasp. Look at the symbolism of key elements in the landscape.
To see a landslide in your dream, represents emotions that you have been holding back for a long time. You are on the verge of emotional overload. Your emotions are erupting in an unexpected or violent way. The dream may also symbolize the stresses in your life and all the responsibilities that rest on your shoulders.
To dream that you are studying a language, suggests that you are having difficulties expressing your thoughts. You are confronted with an unfamiliar problem that you do not know how to approach and resolve.
To hear foul or vulgar language in your dream, signifies an embarrassing situation.
To hear or speak a foreign language in your dream, indicates a message from your unconscious that you do not yet understand
To see or carry a lantern in your dream, represents the feelings and wisdom that are radiating from within you. These qualities will serve to guide you through life's journey.
To notice your lap in your dream, implies opportunities or problems. It also refers to loneliness and loss.
To dream that you are sitting on someone's lap, represents your search for stability and security.
To dream that you are holding someone on your lap, signifies your caring and supportive nature. Alternatively, the dream implies that you are open to criticism.
To give or perform a lap dance in your dream, suggests that you may be repressing your sexual desires. Perhaps you are feeling inhibited in discussing your sexual pleasures.
To see or receive a lap dance in your dream, indicates your need for a little more excitement in your sex life. Or you are looking for some intimacy.
To see a lapis in your dream, suggests that no one is perfect. You need to accept yourself along with your imperfections. Look within your own self and your inner strength. Alternatively, the dream represents success, wisdom and divine power.
To see or use a laptop in your dream, represents your need to reach out and communicate with others in any circumstance.
To dream that your laptop is missing or stolen, indicates that you are relying too much on your social network. You need to try and make it on your own abilities and merit.
To see or eat lard in your dream, suggests that you need to be vigilant about cutting out the negativities in your life. Alternatively, the dream represents your concerns over food and health issues.
To see larks flying in your dream, symbolize high aspirations. If they fall during flight, then it indicates your fall from grace and loss of innocence.
To hear larks singing in your dream, signify success, pleasure and joy. You need to consider a change of environment in order to find happiness.
To dream that you have laryngitis, indicates a loss of identity and a lack of personal power. You are unable to speak up and stand up for yourself. Alternatively, the dream points to your inability to convey a certain message. You are not sure how to put into words what you want to say to somebody.
To dream that you are in Las Vegas, refers to excess and overindulgence. You need to show some restraint in some area of your life. Alternatively, to dream of Vegas, suggests that your good judgment is being clouded by all the emotional turmoil and chaos.
To see a laser in your dream, symbolizes clarity and truth. You are seeing and understanding things much more clearly. Alternatively, it suggests that you need to focus your attention and concentrate on one task at a time.