To see the letter "L" in your dream, is symbolic of loser. Alternatively, the dream may also signify your fear of the "l-word". You cannot even bring your dreaming mind to express love.
To dream that you are labeling something, represents your need for organization and order. Alternatively, it may also indicates that you are too quick to label something and pigeonhole it. Perhaps you are the one being labeled.
To see or read labels in your dream, indicate that you have unknowingly exposed certain private matters, due to your carelessness and neglect.
To dream that something is mislabeled, indicates that you are looking at things the wrong way. Try another perspective.
To dream that a label is missing on something, indicates that you are feeling lost. You are in need of some direction.
To dream that you are laboring, suggests that your goals will take a lot of hard work to accomplish.
If you are a woman and dream that you are in labor, indicates your desire to be pregnant and to start a family. To experience or feel labor pains or Braxton Hicks contractions in your dream, indicate the anticipation of hard work ahead. If you are actually pregnant, then the dream serves as a rehearsal for the actual birth. The dream is trying to prepare you for labor and proper breathing
To dream that you are in a laboratory, suggests that you are experimenting with your inner feelings, beliefs, or fears. You are testing yourself or some relationship. Alternatively, being in a laboratory means you are going through some sort of transformation.
To see or dream that you are in a labyrinth, indicates your desires to get to the center of some issue or problem. Alternatively, it suggests that you are feeling trapped in some situation. You feel lost and that there is no way out.
To see lace in your dream, points to your sensuality and femininity. Alternatively, it denotes tradition and old fashioned ideals. Perhaps you are being overly practical in some area of your life.
To watch or play lacrosse in your dream, symbolizes teamwork and cooperation. You can achieve your goals through hard work and dedication. Alternatively, the dream is a metaphor for the game of sex. Your behavior and game play represents your attitudes toward sex.
To dream that you are climbing up a ladder, suggests that you have reached a new level of achievement. It is symbolic of prosperity, hard work and your efforts. Consider also the phrase of "climbing the social ladder" in which you have achieved a promotion, a higher status, more power, or an important goal. Alternatively, it indicates meditation and prayer. You are setting forth on a spiritual path and higher awareness. Each rung of the ladder is symbolic of a stage in your spiritual awareness. The dream may also highlight how you are looking things from a different perspective.
To dream that you are climbing down a ladder, suggests that you are escaping from your spiritual responsibilities. It is an indication of future disappointments.
To dream that you are walking under a ladder, signifies bad luck. Perhaps you are having regrets over a decision you made.
To dream that someone is holding a ladder for you, indicates that you will find success if you have the support of others. You will rise to a level of prominence.
To dream that you fall from a ladder, denotes the hardships, risks or failures you are faced with in your endeavors.
To see a broken ladder in your dream, indicates consistent failures in your undertakings. You may feel that you are being handicapped in pursuing your goals.
To dream that you escape by means of a ladder, signifies that you will be successful after much struggle and obstacles.
To see a ladle in your dream, suggests that you are being nourished with love. It is symbolic of healing and comfort. Also consider what you are ladling.
To see a broken ladle, denotes grief and sorrow in love.
To see a lake in your dream, signifies your emotional state of mind. You feel restricted and that you can't express your emotions freely. Alternatively, the lake may provide you with solace, security, and peace of mind. If the lake is clear and calm, then it symbolizes your inner peace. If the lake is disturbed, then you may be going through some emotional turmoil.
To see a lamb in your dream, symbolizes deception. The lamb is also representative of something vulnerable, pure and innocent. Consider the metaphor "as gentle as a lamb".
To dream that you are holding a lamb in your arms, refers to the sacrifices in your life.
To dream that you or someone is lame, signifies disappointments and failures in realizing your hopes and desires. Ask yourself who or what is holding you back. You may have lost your confidence. Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it.
To lament for something in your dream, indicates that you are still in mourning over a loss. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself and have a more positive outlook in your life. Only after overcoming your issues and adversities will you enjoy pleasure and realize personal gains.
To see a lamp in your dream, symbolizes guidance, hope, inspiration, enlightenment and reassurance. If the lamp is dimly lit or unlit, then it suggests that you are feeling overwhelmed by emotional issues. You have lost your ability to find your own way or see things clearly.
To see a broken lamp in your dream, suggests that you are shutting out those who are trying to help you. It is also symbolic of disappointments, misfortune and bad luck.
To see a lamppost in your dream, indicates that light needs to be shed on some dark situation. Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are coming out of a depressing or gloomy phase.
To see a lampshade in your dream, indicates that you are seeking protection from some intense energy or power. You may be trying to shield yourself or be less noticeable.
To see or dream that you are in a lanai, indicates that you are open-mined and easy-going. You are receptive to new ideas. As a Hawaiian island, it symbolizes your need to escape and get away from your daily responsibilities. Give yourself a vacation.
To see a lance in your dream, represents initiative and direction. You have set your sight on a goal or path and are taking a firm stance on your beliefs. The lance is also symbolic of masculine power and may have phallic connotations.
To dream that you are wounded by a lance, denotes that you have made a poor judgment and are facing the consequences.
To see land in your dream, represents your need to be more grounded or down to earth. You are looking for a strong foundation and some stability. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that you have "landed" as in a job, a part in a play, etc.
To see rocky or barren land, denotes failure in your undertakings.