*Rap* make up! by Roshill 2006/07/15 20:16
Alright ppl thiS is going to be simplE. All yoU have to do is add a rhyminG line to the 1 i hav laid down and the neXt 1 will contine in sequence k lets make the best rap sOnG ever.....

criminalogic 2006/12/07 15:28
u couldnt get a 'single~hit'
criminalogic 2006/12/07 15:30
every rhyme u drop is cheaper then a 'pringle~chip'
Raul 2006/12/07 16:07
Watch ur bald ass head be the target of my whip
Raul 2006/12/07 16:12
U aint got nuting to show even though u strip
Raul 2006/12/07 16:14
Lipgloss on ur mouth u b lukin lyk a baboons ass 4rm far
Raul 2006/12/07 16:15
U beta off singin twinkle twinkle little star
Raul 2006/12/07 16:16
Just cnt help being tha bitch u are
Raul 2006/12/07 16:18
Dickhead wearing a condom hat /smiley
Raul 2006/12/07 16:19
That mothafucka luka more lyk a cricket bat
Millian 2006/12/07 16:55
I'm so g8 gt mo attention than super bowls ticket man
Millian 2006/12/14 18:14
Infiltr8 ur brain, mill b as silent as a criket fart . .0.pmpl
Tinki 2006/12/15 22:17
Watching the moon and wonder
Millian 2006/12/17 08:32
Is it rili made of green cheese n butter
PyRoMaNiAc 2006/12/17 15:04
Wit droolin lips.Lyk an abused twat
TinHeart 2006/12/17 15:15
I'll risk it all,no matter what...
mapade 2006/12/17 19:33
Lilchris jst kick ur ass nd u ll never speack
CHEV_CHELIOS 2006/12/17 19:43
Im black'n back/wit a new impact/its packed'n compact'n my black bag pack/straped up on my back/is t wack,th worst or da best?/al i knw u can separate it 4rm rest/spit off wats on ur chest/set ur ass off th nest/McVEE niggaz and im restless!
mapade 2006/12/17 21:25
Oh fuck u repeating urself
Millian 2006/12/18 09:48
Al i can tel u mcvee, ur ryms r wotles
BIGB0Y 2006/12/26 14:55
Y cal it a rap make up.Cal it a global shake up.Put u in jail wit a clinical setup.The cos said it was an idemtity mixup.We sit bak nd watch.Got ourselves an a.K. Nd a vest so u cant touch.Fakes dnt rap much.Cos i hav their lips 4 lunch.It tastes lyk crap.Stained by all yor fake's rap.
Replies: 78

#49 Rap BattleZ
Engage in lyrical battles with other 2wap rappers. Not for the easily-offended.