Amela: that's impossible, because nothing can change human's nature.
Murder of religous extremist would not solve a thing, because wrong belief is a thing which need to be changed. And who and how can prove someone that his belief is wrong? We,human beings tend to think that we're the smartest living beings on earth, but yet we are the most primitive creatures.
Btw,thanks for the lecture.
lol, I tend to think humans are the most stupid living beings on Earth; the 'holy' wars are just the symptom of fixed psychotic ideas from ignorance they call their religion festering in their brains. Looking at 'holy' wars, it's amazing how much energy humans invest in not-thinking. However, I'd love to collect all humans who go to fight in 'holy' wars and use them in lab tests, with a view of discovering new treatments for illnesses in mice - thus, they could be put to some use at least instead of them being allowed to be a pure waste of space. Needless to say, my mice agree with this view.